The email list for the Jane de Forest Moon group is currently not working correctly. If you aren’t able to get the Zoom link through the associated Facebook group, email me at, and I will send it to you. We will convene at 3 am PDT on Sunday, July 21, and meet through the Full Moon being exact at 3:17 am PDT.
Well, technology has been a little off lately in general. The biggest astrological excuse for that is Mercury square Uranus, though
recently made a list of other factors that are potentially involved.Other than that, though, there’s actually a lot of positive and productive energy with this Full Moon. Mars, Uranus, and Neptune are all harmoniously aligned with the Sun and the Moon. Mars is also trine Pluto, providing strength and stamina.
So far, it’s been a day to come back to things I’d been stuck on for a while. For example, I finally started putting together the IngramSpark version of Impossible Dreams: Hopes, Fears, and Expectations for Saturn in Pisces. Although the book is already available on Amazon for consumers to buy, bookstores find it easier to buy through IngramSpark, so this will expand the book’s reach. I actually got a cover made for the IngramSpark edition by a local graphic designer back in May, but it took me this long to dig out of the chaos of Gemini season when everything in Gemini was square Saturn in Pisces. Today, I did as much as I could until I came up against the obligatory Mercury square Uranus error message, and that was my signal to quit for the night.
The Full Moon chart for Washington, D.C., has the Sun-Moon opposition very close to the Ascendant-Descendant axis. When I look at the Sun in the mysterious 12th house getting attention from both the Moon and Pluto in the detail-oriented 6th house, it’s easy to see all the speculation swirling around the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Suddenly every nut on the internet is the self-anointed second coming of Sherlock Holmes. Just remember that it’s okay to say, “I don’t know.”
The Olympic Games will begin on July 26 in Paris, France. The Full Moon chart for Paris has both Mars, the planet of athleticism, and Jupiter, the planet of expansion, in the 9th house, which has to do with contact with foreign countries. Interestingly, the nodal axis is very close to the Ascendant/Descendant axis, perhaps bringing a touch of destiny to the event.
“Suddenly every nut on the internet is the self-anointed second coming of Sherlock Holmes. “. Love it