Rather than go into what country has whatever on the angles of the Full Moon chart (though Washington, D.C., has some prominent placements), I want to talk about the Full Moon of April 23, 2024, as a more individual human experience.
Taurus and Scorpio are both signs with a focus on money. As the Sun in Taurus and Moon in Scorpio form a T-square with Pluto in collective-oriented Aquarius, there could be a tendency to obsess over where you stand financially in relation to your peers, or in relation to where society thinks you are supposed to be at this point in your life. You might be convinced that people would treat you better if only you had a higher income or owned a house.
You might also feel like you’re not supposed to have those thoughts. Shouldn’t other things be more important than money? At the last meeting of my Kepler College class on astrological counseling, we talked about fairy tales and how the humble but clever underdog often triumphs over someone rich and powerful in the end. I suspect there is a deep human need to compensate for the fact that most of us are not as rich and powerful as we would like to be.
The idea that you’d be treated better if only you had a higher income or owned a house isn’t necessarily the whole truth. Still, sometimes it is genuinely at least part of the truth. It’s okay to admit that and feel whatever self-pity you feel about it. Write it up and post an anonymous rant on Craigslist if you need to just get it out.
Jupiter is currently conjunct Uranus in abundant Taurus, reflecting that the potential for surprising upturns in fortune is now higher than usual. Keep that in the back of your mind, but you don’t have to let hope block you from feeling your own pain. An emotionally open state, no matter how messy or unpleasant, may be necessary for any blessings to find you.
So insightful once again, Eva. Seems like this full Moon is close enough to the memory of tax day to pull that into consciousness. As a Taurus, with a lot of Virgo, money matters have been high in my awareness ever since Uranus entered Taurus and then with Jupiter joining hands, they perch on my Mercury and make wondrous trines to Virgo planets and sextile to Pisces planets, abundance has been showered on me. Yet, money matters have been front and center with my being present at a nitty-gritty meeting with a relative's banker-trustee (a Taurus!), and wrangling with a housemate over needed expenditures on house repair, and my thinking how to be as responsible as possible with my assets. I'm right on target for the aspects! The square to Pluto, within orb in my chart, has brought no small about of consternation, too, and let's not even begin on Merc retrograde kerfulfuls!