What a day to wake up and start checking my phone and remember that the former president of the United States was shot yesterday. It is sad and disappointing that things have escalated to this level.
And yet, it could have been worse. Donald Trump clearly came close to receiving a fatal head wound, but only his right ear was ultimately injured.
I don’t mean to make light of Trump getting shot, but there aren’t that many ear injuries that make history. The only other one that comes to mind is Vincent van Gogh cutting off his ear.
Wikipedia reports that Van Gogh partially or wholly severed his left ear with a razor after an altercation with fellow artist Paul Gauguin on the evening of December 23, 1888. The time is not specified, but I estimated 8 pm, which puts the Virgo Moon in a square to Neptune and Pluto in Gemini. Transiting Jupiter was then conjunct Van Gogh’s natal Moon and South Node in Sagittarius, which could contribute to emotions being difficult to rein in.
Of course, the currently more well-known chart with a Moon-South Node conjunction in the neighborhood of 20° Sagittarius is that of Donald Trump.
As the shooting of Trump is still a new event, it may take a while for the astrology community to settle on the time to use for the chart. The Facebook group “Mundane astrologers” was going back and forth between 6:11 pm EDT and 6:13 pm EDT last I saw. Celeste Brooks on Instagram has 6:09 pm EDT. CBS News relayed a statement from the Secret Service saying “approximately 6:15 p.m.,” so I will go with 6:15 pm EDT for now.
Now, let’s look at a quad wheel of (in this order from inside to outside) Vincent van Gogh, Van Gogh cutting off his ear, Donald Trump, and Trump being shot in the ear.
Trump was shot with an exact square between the Moon at 21° Libra and the Sun at 21° Cancer. This overlays the exact square between Uranus at 21° Libra and the North Node at 21° Cancer when Van Gogh cut off his ear. Van Gogh, whose birth time is rated AA on Astro-Databank, has 21° Cancer Rising.
Here are some decans that are emphasized in the quad wheel and their relevant characteristics:
Cancer III
What’s there: Van Gogh Ascendant; Van Gogh ear North Node; Trump Saturn and Venus; Trump shooting Sun
Decan ruler, Chaldean: Moon
Decan ruler, triplicity: Jupiter traditional, Neptune modern (Pisces)
Decan Tarot card: 4 of Cups
Libra III
What’s there: Van Gogh ear Uranus; Trump shooting Moon
Decan ruler, Chaldean: Jupiter
Decan ruler, triplicity: Mercury (Gemini)
Decan Tarot card: 4 of Swords
Sagittarius III
What’s there: Van Gogh Moon, South Node, and Jupiter; Van Gogh ear Jupiter and Mercury; Trump Moon and South Node
Decan ruler, Chaldean: Saturn
Decan ruler, triplicity: Sun (Leo)
Decan Tarot card: 10 of Wands