Remember the Freemason Cats: New Moon Calls for Personal Responsibility
Funny AI art puts ridiculous rhetoric in perspective
Today’s New Moon takes place at 8:22 pm PDT/11:22 pm EDT at 18° Taurus. It is close to Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, inviting us to consider things that are new and exciting — but it is also sextile Saturn, reminding us to use discernment and personal responsibility.
I am part of’s rotation of Daily Horoscope Writers, and I wrote the daily general horoscopes for the month of May 2024. You can set up a free account at, and every day you will receive the daily horoscope and daily love horoscope for your Sun sign in your email at no charge.
Anyway, in my interpretation of today’s New Moon for, I focused on the Sun and Moon both making a sextile, a supportive aspect, to Saturn, the planet of structure and stability. Although the Sun and the Moon are both pretty close to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, which is now separating but still influential, the New Moon’s sextile to Saturn provides an important counterpoint to the chaos and upheaval of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction.
I am where I am now as a Daily Horoscope Writer because I was willing to look into something outside the mainstream back in 2007. It is sometimes hard to separate my personal struggles to overcome unhelpful inhibitions from whatever was truly going on in the collective at the time. In retrospect, there are probably ways that I made my journey into astrology harder than it needed to be.
That said, I think it is still overall true that astrology has more public acceptance now than it did 10 to 15 years ago. For example, the Northwest Astrological Conference (NORWAC) has objectively had much higher attendance in the last few years than it did when I first attended in 2015, and that has been widely acknowledged by everyone involved.
Members of Generation Z, people born with Pluto in adventurous Sagittarius, have been a very visible part of astrology’s recent growth spurt. Their confidence and their enthusiasm are great contributions to the astrology community. However, they don’t always have the institutional memory of what it was like when astrology was weird.
I don’t want to go back to the atmosphere of seclusion that sometimes fueled the paranoid tendencies of my own Moon-Pluto conjunction in Scorpio. Too much secrecy can make people warped.
However, I also don’t want to lose the certified weirdo’s openness to things that are outside the mainstream. It’s a hard line to walk.
Once you venture into the Wild West, you definitely need to use your own common sense and discernment. Outside the mainstream, there are some amazing things that just haven’t had their fair hearing yet. I would put astrology in this category. However, there are also other things that are outside the mainstream for valid reasons.
As today’s New Moon sextiles Saturn, the planet of personal responsibility, I want to point out a particular category of rhetoric commonly available outside the mainstream that reliably leads nowhere good: arguments claiming that all the world’s problems are the fault of the Freemasons or the Jesuits or some other malicious group that secretly controls everyone and everything.
Even if it were actually true that everyone and their cat is a 33rd-degree Freemason, you still need to live your own freaking life! Let these NightCafe AI pictures I generated for the prompt “a cat that is a 33rd degree freemason” remind you of that fact.
For more information on Saturn’s call to discernment and personal responsibility, check out my book Impossible Dreams: Hopes, Fears, and Expectations for Saturn in Pisces.