Weekend Entertainment Guide 2/7/25 + Full Moon 2/12/25
Two dramatic Full Moons confront Trump; rumor mill outdoes itself
Discovering that I was the subject of a laughably absurd rumor helped me gain perspective on publishing delays with Changing of the Guards: Pluto on the Precipice this past week. At least I am not dead, as at least one person in my hometown was apparently led to believe!
Full Moon 2/12/25
The Full Moon on February 12, 2025, will form a T-square with Uranus, creating opportunities for volatile events to unfold. Mercury, close to the Sun in Aquarius, is also part of this configuration, so we might be inundated with information of some sort. However, money planet Venus sextiles Pluto, potentially providing relative stability on the financial front.
The Full Moon is also pretty close to Donald Trump’s Ascendant/Descendant axis, increasing the potential for drama involving him. Transiting Uranus remains close to his Midheaven, where it has been for a while.
Quick Take: Synastry between Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and the March Lunar Eclipse
Elon Musk has Venus in Gemini conjunct Donald Trump’s Sun, which could facilitate an easy connection between the two men. However, transiting Saturn in Pisces will square that configuration within the next month or so, potentially putting a damper on their friendly vibes. The March 13, 2025, Lunar Eclipse will then heighten the tension as the transiting Sun conjoins Saturn in Pisces.
Quick Take: CIA buyout offer
CNN reports that, on February 4, 2025, the Central Intelligence Agency offered buyouts to its entire workforce. Salient transits to the CIA natal chart at this time included transiting South Node conjunct natal Venus in Virgo, transiting Uranus conjunct natal North Node in Taurus, and a Mars return in Cancer. (Doesn’t the passive aggression of Mars in Cancer make a lot of sense for something like the CIA?) Angles are unknown for both charts.
Hot on Substack
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, The Knight in Battle: Kennedy vs PharmaRichmond analyzes Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s transits over the next couple of years with regard to his prospects as a nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services.
, What Donald Trump actually wantsStenbacka looks into Trump’s family history on his mother’s side in Scotland and also comments on the transits of Trump and other US leaders during late March 2025.
, Gimme Some TruthAstroTerica compares the recent conjunction of Venus, Neptune, and the North Node in Pisces to a similar alignment in 1858 that coincided with Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace publishing preliminary work on natural selection, which was then fleshed out in Darwin’s On the Origin of Species a year later.
, Moving Forward (Jupiter direct)Dorje Kirsten comments on Jupiter stationing direct in Gemini, noting that the now-concluded Jupiter Retrograde was complicated by Jupiter’s square to Saturn.
, Flight Conditions in 2025: An Astrological PerspectiveGrim identifies multiple astrological factors potentially contributing to recent plane crashes.
Free online event
Samuel Reynolds will discuss the coming Uranus in Gemini transit in a free presentation through Kepler College on Saturday, February 8, 2025, at 11:30 a.m. Pacific time. Register here.
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Someone’s got it in for me, they’re planting stories in the press
Many readers have already seen this on Substack Notes/Instagram/Facebook, but it’s so funny that I have to bring it up again for anyone who missed it. This past Sunday, my mom heard from a woman visiting her church that there was a rumor going around (presumably amongst the church ladies of Eugene, Oregon) that I had died. This rumor is obviously false, as I addressed in the Instagram reel below.
Astrologically, I have Libra Rising, so being the subject of a rumor actually makes sense for retrograde Mars in Cancer currently transiting my 10th House of Reputation. I don’t know and probably don’t want to know what my purported cause of death was. The part that really gets me is that none of the people circulating this rumor believed their own claims enough to send my mom a sympathy card for my alleged death!
Thanks so much for the mention ✨
Fabulous information. So happy I discovered you. I am also a Libra Rising with retrograde OOB Mars ( my traditional overlord ) in Cancer currently transiting my 10th as well. I am so looking forward to his stationing the 23rd, and ready for him to advance into Leo.