We are solidly in the middle of eclipse season now, and that’s not even the only astrological excitement going on these days. This is also the last weekend before Mercury turns retrograde to get your taxes done!
Calendar highlights
Happy Easter to those who celebrate Sunday, March 31, 2024
Last void-of-course Moon before Mercury turns retrograde 5:16 pm PDT - 9:05 pm PDT on Sunday, March 31, 2024 (Moon in Sagittarius)
Mercury turns retrograde 3:14 pm PDT, Monday, April 1, 2024
Venus enters Aries 9:00 pm PDT, Thursday, April 4, 2024
The Kiffness (David Scott, born February 11, 1988) has Venus in the first decan of Aries. He often takes a short video of an animal making a goofy noise and then turns it into a whole song incorporating the animal sounds.
Astrology in the news
Earlier this month, I blogged about how both The Astrology Podcast and
predicted problems involving ships and shipping for March 2024. It sounds like they both called the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore getting struck by a container ship and collapsing on March 26, 2024. As of March 29, the Port of Baltimore is still closed to ships because of this incident, so it has also affected the shipping industry more broadly.CBS News reports that some people are currently threatening to bring about the second coming of Christ and/or rebuild the Jewish temple in Jerusalem with a sacrifice of red heifers, red-haired cattle that have already been transported from Texas to the West Bank. The symbol of Taurus is the bull, so it makes sense that there would be a mass hysteria focused on cows leading up to the chaotic Jupiter-Uranus conjunction at 21°49’ Taurus on April 20, 2024. Whether or not these beliefs about the red heifers have any basis in reality, they could potentially fuel real trouble. The nation of Israel was established with the Sun at 23°40’ Taurus according to Astro-Databank — it’s likely to experience the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in an especially dramatic way.
Hot on Substack
Mercedes Alejandro covered the Libra Lunar Eclipse for
. Her article includes a case study of wrestler Ronda Rousey, who is now experiencing her age 37 nodal return.- looked at a news report about prosopometamorphopsia, which causes people to see others’ faces in a distorted way, in relation to her experiences with clients as a Tarot reader.
This article is a good, rational counterpoint to unhelpful fearmongering about the Solar Eclipse.
wrote about how the current pair of eclipses affected her career-related 10th house — and, sure enough, she lost her job due to corporate restructuring. Eclipses can bring this type of disruption, but they’re not likely to bring us the planet Nibiru or the Egyptian plagues.Bettina Fernandez Sleeman analyzed the natal chart of Vincent van Gogh for
Online events
Julian Venables will give a free lecture through Kepler College on primary and secondary motion on March 30 at 9 am PDT. Register here.
Jane de Forest will give a presentation on the history of Spring Equinox and Easter celebrations. March 30, 3-4:30 pm PDT, in person at New Renaissance in Portland, OR, or on Zoom. Tickets $12-$21 sliding scale here.
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