Weekend Entertainment Guide 10/4/24
Calvin and Hobbes; Hurricane Helene; paranormal phenomena
I am currently buried in editing for Changing of the Guards: Pluto on the Precipice. It has more writers and more essays and longer essays than my previous anthology, Impossible Dreams: Hopes, Fears, and Expectations for Saturn in Pisces, so scaling up has been an adjustment. On the other hand, at least I am not doing everything for the first time.
This time around, I can go back to my diaries from 2023 and see how I ruled on certain issues like capitalization in Impossible Dreams. The underlying problem, though, is that formal writing and editing guides like the Associated Press Stylebook and the Chicago Manual of Style don’t address how to use astrological terms consistently. I have to think things through on my own in a way that editors in other specialties don’t.
One of the essays I recently edited for Changing of the Guards mentioned deadbots, artificial intelligence creations that can simulate a given person’s presence in conversation after they have died. What if we made that kind of bot of me while I’m still alive, and then the bot could produce a detailed style guide for astrological writing while I take care of the rest of my writing and editing workload?
Calvin and Hobbes exhibit in Eugene, Oregon
Through February 2, 2025, the University of Oregon’s Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art (JSMA) is displaying work from the Calvin and Hobbes collection held by the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum at Ohio State University.
The JSMA has free admission on the first Friday of every month — that’s today!
I saw the exhibit on the free first Friday of September and loved it. The wall clings of Calvin and Hobbes characters are great, and the framed strips are neatly organized by year with helpful commentary. To keep this blog focused on astrology, the run of Calvin and Hobbes from November 18, 1985, to December 31, 1995, maps pretty closely on to Pluto’s transit through Scorpio. Calvin’s dark fantasies take on Scorpio themes — and I, as a Scorpio Moon child who was his same age while the strip ran, adored him!
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Posts via Astrologers’ Co-Op about current events
via , Libra Solar Eclipse: Grief Presents Itself for All to SeeLuna notes the possibility of relationship problems surrounding the October 2 Solar Eclipse.
Shahir Suprasensory via
, Libra II: Bondage, Binding & BreakingThis post looks at the second decan of Libra in relation to the decans that form hard aspects to it: Aries II, Cancer II, and Capricorn II. A case study of the natal chart of the United Nations is included, as the United Nations was established with Jupiter at 12° Libra.
Olivia “Bonni” Heart via
, LIBRA II | What goes around, comes aroundHeart shares artwork inspired by the second decan of Libra, noting that the 3 of Swords is the Tarot card associated with that decan.
Long-form forecasts
, October 2024 Global Predictions & HoroscopesGrim states: “So the Aries full moon, to me, suggests a change in Trump, a change that may involve some type of health setback for him. It may prevent him from running. It may be a health-related matter particularly related to circulation. And this would, of course, completely upturn the election.”
He then goes on to point out that a December 11, 2017, news story claiming that Donald Trump drinks 12 Diet Cokes a day ran when Uranus was at 24° Aries — the same degree where the Full Moon will take place on October 17, 2024.
My question: If Trump did drop out, would he be replaced on the ballot by J.D. Vance or by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.?
I have been coming back to a post I wrote in August about Kennedy having huge Mars transits in October: https://astrologybooks.substack.com/i/147797249/updates-on-mybookie-and-robert-f-kennedy-jr
I find it hard to believe that the story is over for Kennedy given those transits, but I don't know how that would manifest given Kennedy's current political realities.
, Feng Shui Your Life #8: The Year of the Wood SnakeWhite provides a Feng Shui forecast for 2025. Among other things, she sees a resurgence of herbalism and an awakening of ley lines.
Posts about Hurricane Helene and associated flooding in eastern US
The Wellness Company is offering free telemedicine visits to anyone affected by the hurricane in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, and South Carolina. Info here.
, Jupiter the god of floods and storms is stationDorje Kirsten looks at the flood as a transit to the natal chart of Asheville, North Carolina.
, Saturn in Pisces and the FloodsRichmond blames logging practices in the Asheville area for causing erosion of the soil, leaving less soil to absorb excess water.
, Helene Update #2Long, who normally writes about issues related to religion, shares his personal experiences as a resident of Western North Carolina:
Yesterday, I managed to get out and venture on foot into town. The destruction surpasses description. I cannot begin to articulate the devastation. Entire neighborhoods — particularly trailer parks — are gone. People who already had very little now have nothing. I’m pretty numb from the shock. My beautiful mountain town is ripped apart in ways that I simply couldn’t imagine, and I’m very sad.
The Prepper Broadcasting Network provides additional current personal experiences of life in Western North Carolina in podcast form.
Posts about paranormal phenomena and/or energy just being off
I don’t know where else to put this, but I myself have had two dreams involving Interstate 70 in the past week. I do not live anywhere near Interstate 70, and any travel experience I have in that area is minimal and happened a long time ago. I will mention the dreams in case they are relevant to anyone else somehow.
In the first dream on Sep. 28, I was looking at a map of what was supposed to be Indianapolis. I have never been to Indiana in real life, but I looked up Indianapolis on Google Maps after I woke up, and the part of the map that most resembled the scene in my dream was I-70 crossing the White River.
In the second dream on Oct. 3, I was in what was supposed to be Washington, DC, where I actually did spend a summer in college. I was looking forward to revisiting sites I had visited then. However, the dream version of Washington, DC, had a sandy ocean beach that real Washington, DC, does not. I was looking north toward what was supposed to be I-70 running east-west.
When I was in college, I wasn’t as spatially aware as I am now. I didn’t know very much about which highways were around me in Washington, DC — or, for that matter, which highways were around me when I was back home in Oregon. Like I said, a big task for me during Pluto’s transit through Capricorn was learning the physical world as a second language.
After the second dream, I finally looked up a map of I-70. It runs east-west from I-15 in Utah to the Baltimore, Maryland, area. Its path includes the following states: Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. The final stretch of I-70 in Maryland does indeed run east-west due north of Washington, DC. I did not previously know any of this information consciously.
We’ll have to see if I-70 makes the news somehow!
, Omens and portentsWhite shares recent personal experiences of profound sadness and owl omens. She noted potential connections to world events including Hurricane Helene, the dockworkers’ strike, and Iran bombing Israel.
, Mitigatory Enchantment Part 2Bromius says the worst day for magic this year is October 10. I don’t know the rationale in great detail — from what I can see in Llewellyn’s 2024 Daily Planetary Guide, that day has the Moon in Capricorn and Venus in Scorpio, and those placements are not ideal in terms of essential dignity. The Moon also forms a grand cross with the Sun in Libra, Mars in Cancer, and Chiron in Aries. Pluto then turns direct on October 11. Whatever the whole story may be, though, I resonated with the vibe of the post.
, The Circle, Unbroken.This post provides a fascinating history of crop circles being documented as far back as the Book of Enoch in 300-200 BC.
Fab as always. Thank you, Eva!
"My question: If Trump did drop out, would he be replaced on the ballot by J.D. Vance or by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.?"
I keep having a feeling about Kennedy, although I have no idea how it can possibly manifest. I just watched a video this morning that has some interesting info related to RFK vs the others. The entire video is interesting, but I skipped over most to get right to the point: