Weekend Entertainment Guide 9/6/24
Last little bit of Pluto in Capricorn, looking ahead to the return of late 1990s vibes
After I publish this post, I’ll finish writing horoscopes for the last day Pluto will be in Capricorn during the lifetime of anyone now living — November 19, 2024.
As of September 1, Pluto is temporarily back in Capricorn after spending a big chunk of 2024 in Aquarius. To celebrate this shift, I’ve started going through my bins of supplies for bookbinding, a hobby I got really into during the early years of Pluto’s transit in Capricorn.
I want to consolidate two supply bins into one so I can use the emptied bin for something else. Doing so will require me to finish a few incomplete projects. This seems like a good metaphor for the last little bit of Pluto in Capricorn. I have a lot of little scraps of paper, so I’ll be making some collages as shown below.
Starting in 2025, we’ll have all the outer planets in the early degrees of Fire and Air signs: Pluto in Aquarius, Neptune in Aries, Uranus in Gemini, and Saturn in Aries. The vibe could be very similar to that of the late 1990s, which had Pluto in Sagittarius, Neptune in Aquarius, Uranus in Aquarius, and Saturn in Aries.
I started middle school in September 1997, during the last Saturn in Aries transit. When I shopped at Target yesterday afternoon, I was shocked to see that the baggy jeans and cargo pants of my middle school years are back. I don’t know if I’m ready to see those walking around again!
I actually enjoyed the transition from elementary school to middle school, though. Many people don’t, but I can see in retrospect that I had all the outer planets massaging my natal trine between Mercury in Leo and Saturn in Sagittarius early in the signs. This manifested in me suddenly getting a lot of attention for being good at school — and Pluto in Sagittarius was able to keep that going through college, trining my Sun at 19° Leo along the way.
Shortly after I graduated from college, however, Pluto moved into Capricorn. I then had to spend the next several years developing my human side that got neglected during my time as a Fiery, Airy, Relative-Pleasing Achievement Machine. With Pluto emphasizing Earth energy, I had to learn the physical world as a second language!
It was humbling for me to go from the top of the heap to the bottom of the heap, but I needed that for my personal growth. Unfortunately, some can’t look at me and see the good in what I’ve experienced during Pluto’s transit through Capricorn. They only want to know what they need to do to get their Fiery, Airy, Relative-Pleasing Achievement Machine back. They are starting to wonder if having me diagnosed with something would help, because they have been very anxiously waiting for a very long time.
What would I recommend they do to get their Fiery, Airy, Relative-Pleasing Achievement Machine back? JUST WAIT A YEAR. Whether I see their doc of choice, my doc of choice, or no doc at all, the planets are going to do what they’re going to do. FARPAM 2.0 will then be revved up for the rest of the Pluto in Leo generation’s natural lifespan, and they’ll never have to wring their hands over me again.
This is a different perspective on fault and blame than many people are used to. There are a lot of good things about living in an individualistic culture, but one of the bad things is that anything that goes wrong, or even “wrong,” is presumed to be the fault of the individual. In my view as an astrologer, sometimes there are bigger factors involved.
While I personally look forward to the coming influx of Fire and Air energy that will interact harmoniously with my own chart, I acknowledge that any big shift of this sort isn’t going to be equally comfortable for everyone. I hereby request thoughts and prayers for all the Earth and Water-dominant people who are about to find themselves painfully out of their element just like I did when Pluto entered Capricorn 16 years ago.
Free online events
Rick Levine will present an Astrology Night Live Stream on YouTube on September 6, 2024, at 6:30 pm PDT. Watch here.
Moon Zlotnick will give a presentation on death charts through Kepler College on September 7, 2024, at 9:00 am PDT. Register here.
Hot on Substack
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Hot on Redbubble
Redbubble is a website where artists upload designs and then customers can order print-on-demand items such as clothing and mugs decorated with those designs. Here are a few items potentially relevant to an astrological audience:
Kepler College offers items including mugs, notebooks, shirts, and phone cases emblazoned with a table of essential dignities.
T. Susan Chang, author of 36 Secrets: A Decanic Journey through the Minor Arcana of the Tarot, sells duvet covers, blankets, and other items replicating the patterned bedspread on the 9 of Swords Tarot card.
I have the pomegranate comforter by smalldrawing — very reminiscent of the Persephone story.
This isn’t related to astrology, but I recently had to make a graphic for an event involving hot dogs for my local community service club. I don’t understand how clip art sites work, so I just used the NightCafe AI art generator to make a picture of hot dogs. I then uploaded the resulting Cubist Hot Dogs design to Redbubble.
Thanks for the mention!