Thanks for the mention! I've Venus exacta parallel Asc (along with Pluto and Chiron (tell me about drama), but I'm not an Asc Libra (well, by progressions, yes) I use the "Hand's teory": The righ moment is always now. Usually a chart with good aspects to my progressed Sun or Moon, or a chart for the newsletter (Asc = Moon *people*) but O cannot do anything about other people charts, or the moment they see the post.
That's great about take the planetary hours into account. Just perfect 👌
Thank you so much for the mention!
Thanks for the mention! I've Venus exacta parallel Asc (along with Pluto and Chiron (tell me about drama), but I'm not an Asc Libra (well, by progressions, yes) I use the "Hand's teory": The righ moment is always now. Usually a chart with good aspects to my progressed Sun or Moon, or a chart for the newsletter (Asc = Moon *people*) but O cannot do anything about other people charts, or the moment they see the post.