Thank you for sharing! Looking at these transits in light of the macro cosmic environment (e.g., far more solar radiation reaching the surface of this and all other planets), I share your sentiment that the balance will tip towards greater openness despite efforts to exert forceful control over the flow of information. It's good to be aware of the possibility that books might be banned to the extent that this encourages us to (1) reaffirm the value we find in books and (2) choose to place our focus on creating a world where information can be exchanged freely and openly.
It's also interesting to note that with telepathy becoming more and more accessible to greater numbers of people (including me - and also you), books may well start to fade away not because they are banned but because they are denser, more cumbersome ways to share information.
Hi, Patrick, thanks for joining! Good point that there's potentially truth in both perspectives on books. I'm reminded of the classic dichotomy between 1984 and Brave New World — will government have to take away people's freedoms in a heavy-handed way (1984), or will people just let their freedoms drift away while they're distracted by the pleasures of the moment (Brave New World)? Weiss seems to be talking about a 1984 scenario, while your take sounds more like Brave New World.
I read fewer books than I did a decade ago, but I'm reading all the time looking for Substack writers to feature in Weekend Entertainment Guide's Hot on Substack. Substack didn't exist a decade ago. My household also subscribed to a print newspaper a decade ago, and we don't now. It's true that technology can change in ways that aren't intended as a personal slight against anyone. However, as a publisher of essay anthologies, I think there is value in having books to serve as a historical record — for example, I want people to be using my essay anthology on Saturn in Pisces as a reference the next time Saturn goes through Pisces 25+ years from now, and many of the blogs I currently read may not be around then.
Great to have the conversations and what comes to me is that this growth assists the curiosity and caring that I think humanity is being asked to develop and expand upon now. The north node of Jupiter is in Cancer and with Uranus in Gemini coming soon (also south node of Uranus is in Sagittarius) getting curious about learning about consciousness rather than responding with projections of fear or defensiveness is important. Just as we hopefully would be with any child learning about itself. Consciousness is always birthing itself and it learns about itself through how we are parented and stewarded through the process. I think we are being asked with mars retrograde in cancer to learn how to parent society from a more wholistic and playful way.. one that does not harm but learns with “the child” and does not teach that the learning process in developing skills is “bad” but that learns from the introspective process and fine tuning … just like any art project. We learn something deeper even when we color outside the lines and we become more skilled. Humanity has been trained to project fear when it doesn’t understand the bigger process.. we do not need to damage people in the learning process just as we wouldn’t want to damage a child learning and maturing through developing and practicing one’s skills. So much to contemplate on that, really appreciate our conversations Eva!
Great points! With telepathy, I think there is potential for fear and defensiveness on both sides. The people who are ahead of the curve on developing telepathic abilities might understandably fear being judged for being different. Meanwhile, the people who are suddenly having their thoughts or energy read in a way they did not expect might understandably feel exposed and vulnerable and fear being judged for whatever insight was picked up about them. We are not just parenting society but parenting it through a very awkward form of puberty!
Gosh so true. Always an ever deepening into the human experience. Ultimately an opportunity to embrace that we are inherently psychically connected and awakening consciousness within it.
When I think of "will books survive," I don't think of book burning or book banning as much as a giant leap into ebooks only. In a time of fewer earth and water signs, trees at a premium, maybe books will become digital only.
You jogged a memory with your mention of the senior and private astrologer in the Eugene community who shared her predictions about the importance of protecting books, especially once we entered the era we now see. I donated maybe 50 astrology books to her cause and saw the unique way she was preserving the library for posterity, for a post apocalypse world. Besides astrology books, she collected books on basic survival skills and also had a substantial collection of video tapes, nonfiction and entertainment. I admired her acting on her beliefs. I did ask the practical question of whether she had indicated her wishes to protect her amazing collection in her will. I don't think she had.
It strikes me that the future always brings surprises, different manifestations in reality of what we prognosticate, fear, or idolize. Thanks again, Eva.
That's an interesting twist to look at the angle of trees and physical paper. E-books have environmental problems of their own — the electricity to power everyone's devices has to come from somewhere, and that often gets lost in the talk of electric cars and currencies and so on being the solution to every ill.
Another part of the physical problem, especially for people my age: it's hard to afford a house or even an apartment with a decent amount of space for books. The more conspiratorial-minded folks say this is the elites' plan that we will "own nothing and be happy." Regardless of whatever was or was not purposefully planned, the housing crisis is real. I live with my mom for a complex set of reasons, but if I did move out, I'd need a 2-bedroom rather than a 1-bedroom mostly for my books, and a 2-bedroom is of course even more unaffordable than a 1-bedroom. I can see how some people would prefer e-books over physical books on account of that.
In defense of the conspiratorially minded, (I once quipped that the only conspiracy I wouldn't seriously entertain is that 'Paul is Dead' but after watching "The Winged Beatle" I'm not so sure) I believe it was Klaus Schwab founder of the WEF who originally made the statement.
Seeing as how I am safely in the presence of those of like mind, I can't refrain from telling a short blip about housing in my personal life that relates to astrology.
I live in Cleveland where housing is relatively inexpensive, as you might expect in a city with the infamous distinction of being the second poorest city in the nation. I live in Ohio City where, relative to the rest of Cleveland, housing is more expensive. Ohio city is a revitalized area close to downtown; yet 1/3 of the residents live in poverty. The neighborhood was a bit worse 20 years ago; much of the housing stock is old and run-down. Across the street from me there is a house that I believe is a rental and has always been occupied. To the left of that house is a house that has been empty for over 5 years ever since the elderly owner passed. The house is in bad shape and probably needs to be demolished. To the right of the occupied house is a large two story two family rental. About a year ago the house was emptied of tenants and a crew of immigrant laborers came in and worked on it inside and out all summer long until it looked fabulous. It has remained empty ever since. No for-sale sign or other sign of life. I'm guessing it is probably an investment property now that the stock market is over-valued by 4X. On my side of the street, I live in one of three houses built in the late 1990s. To my left are three old houses all owned by the same person. The two houses closest to me are run down and empty. The owner began major renovations on one of the houses just before covid and then quit leaving a giant eye-sore. I think he must be on drugs. He lives elsewhere. So, there are more empty houses around me than ones that are lived in.
Here's where the Astrology comes in. Libra rules my 4th house of home, but I have my Moon and Neptune conjunct in the fourth house in Scorpio, the sign of the Moon's fall. So even though there is much to like about my house, the neighborhood, beautiful state park nearby, good neighbors (!) there is this other incongruity, a bunch of empty houses in a somewhat desirable neighborhood. I think other features of my natal chart may also reflect my living situation. Saturn is strong in Aquarius, but he lives in my 7th house of open enemies. Mercury is there also and is besieged due to Mars following him/her in the 8th house of Death. I have three traditional planets in the 8th. Mars, Jupiter, and my Sun in Pisces. One of the few bright spots in my chart is that my Sun is followed by Venus in Pisces (exalted) in the 9th! ding ding ding -- for astrologer. Anyway, this brings us full circle back to my 4th house cusp in Libra where Venus provides much needed support. So, I have come to see my house and its surroundings as a rather literal representation of my natal chart.
Yeah, my mom always brings up Klaus Schwab when I complain about the housing costs here in Oregon. From my standpoint, I don't care if the problem is the fault of Klaus Schwab or Donald Duck — I just want to know how I should live my life in relation to its existence. It is true that I would be better off economically if I lived in Ohio. I was getting updates for Dayton, Ohio, from one of the real estate email lists for a while. Prices are much cheaper there than here. I don't really know anyone other than apparently you in Ohio, though. Most of my family is in Oregon. I have Capricorn IC and 4th house, so that makes sense for being rooted to a situation that involves a certain amount of deprivation for me. I have stability here, though, even if it isn't on ideal terms.
Well, I know it’s no consolation in the short term, but if all of the dire predictions of war and economic upheaval come true then I think you will find yourself in a vastly different housing market once the dust has settled. Interest rates remain high and housing is also over valued probably by quite a bit. When I bought in 2003 my interest rate was 6%, which is high by recent historic standards. When Jimmy Carter left office rates were as high as 18% I’m not sure how it is even viable to buy a house with exorbitant rates like those. Whatever the future holds, you can rest assured that these things do go in cycles. So hang in there.
Financial astrologer Grace Morris often talks about the cycles of the Moon's Nodes in relation to various markets. I'm now looking at notes I took on a lecture of hers in January 2022, and she predicted a bottom in the housing market in April 2028 with North Node Capricorn/South Node Cancer. By that system, the housing market reached its top in November 2018 (North Node Cancer/South Node Capricorn). In Oregon, though, housing prices have still increased since 2018:
Great points. The hidden environmental damage from our electronic devices, lithium batteries, and the huge scary energy suck for Bitcoin and probably A.I. computers is a little-talked-about dark side of "progress."
The housing crisis is deplorable. The skyrocketing of unhoused people across the country is evidence of this not being a local, state, or regional problem alone. Since decades ago, I've thought that our wealthy country has plenty of food to feed the hungry, plenty of resources to keep people off the streets, plenty of money to pay for education, K through graduate school. I lean heavily toward Democratic Socialism, and now we are moving toward an autocratic, oligarchy. Will that change with fire and air taking over?
I love your interpretation of Jupiter in Gemini encouraging telepathy. Maybe more of the collective unconscious will become the collective conscious!
Thank you for sharing! Looking at these transits in light of the macro cosmic environment (e.g., far more solar radiation reaching the surface of this and all other planets), I share your sentiment that the balance will tip towards greater openness despite efforts to exert forceful control over the flow of information. It's good to be aware of the possibility that books might be banned to the extent that this encourages us to (1) reaffirm the value we find in books and (2) choose to place our focus on creating a world where information can be exchanged freely and openly.
It's also interesting to note that with telepathy becoming more and more accessible to greater numbers of people (including me - and also you), books may well start to fade away not because they are banned but because they are denser, more cumbersome ways to share information.
Hi, Patrick, thanks for joining! Good point that there's potentially truth in both perspectives on books. I'm reminded of the classic dichotomy between 1984 and Brave New World — will government have to take away people's freedoms in a heavy-handed way (1984), or will people just let their freedoms drift away while they're distracted by the pleasures of the moment (Brave New World)? Weiss seems to be talking about a 1984 scenario, while your take sounds more like Brave New World.
I read fewer books than I did a decade ago, but I'm reading all the time looking for Substack writers to feature in Weekend Entertainment Guide's Hot on Substack. Substack didn't exist a decade ago. My household also subscribed to a print newspaper a decade ago, and we don't now. It's true that technology can change in ways that aren't intended as a personal slight against anyone. However, as a publisher of essay anthologies, I think there is value in having books to serve as a historical record — for example, I want people to be using my essay anthology on Saturn in Pisces as a reference the next time Saturn goes through Pisces 25+ years from now, and many of the blogs I currently read may not be around then.
Great to have the conversations and what comes to me is that this growth assists the curiosity and caring that I think humanity is being asked to develop and expand upon now. The north node of Jupiter is in Cancer and with Uranus in Gemini coming soon (also south node of Uranus is in Sagittarius) getting curious about learning about consciousness rather than responding with projections of fear or defensiveness is important. Just as we hopefully would be with any child learning about itself. Consciousness is always birthing itself and it learns about itself through how we are parented and stewarded through the process. I think we are being asked with mars retrograde in cancer to learn how to parent society from a more wholistic and playful way.. one that does not harm but learns with “the child” and does not teach that the learning process in developing skills is “bad” but that learns from the introspective process and fine tuning … just like any art project. We learn something deeper even when we color outside the lines and we become more skilled. Humanity has been trained to project fear when it doesn’t understand the bigger process.. we do not need to damage people in the learning process just as we wouldn’t want to damage a child learning and maturing through developing and practicing one’s skills. So much to contemplate on that, really appreciate our conversations Eva!
Great points! With telepathy, I think there is potential for fear and defensiveness on both sides. The people who are ahead of the curve on developing telepathic abilities might understandably fear being judged for being different. Meanwhile, the people who are suddenly having their thoughts or energy read in a way they did not expect might understandably feel exposed and vulnerable and fear being judged for whatever insight was picked up about them. We are not just parenting society but parenting it through a very awkward form of puberty!
Gosh so true. Always an ever deepening into the human experience. Ultimately an opportunity to embrace that we are inherently psychically connected and awakening consciousness within it.
When I think of "will books survive," I don't think of book burning or book banning as much as a giant leap into ebooks only. In a time of fewer earth and water signs, trees at a premium, maybe books will become digital only.
You jogged a memory with your mention of the senior and private astrologer in the Eugene community who shared her predictions about the importance of protecting books, especially once we entered the era we now see. I donated maybe 50 astrology books to her cause and saw the unique way she was preserving the library for posterity, for a post apocalypse world. Besides astrology books, she collected books on basic survival skills and also had a substantial collection of video tapes, nonfiction and entertainment. I admired her acting on her beliefs. I did ask the practical question of whether she had indicated her wishes to protect her amazing collection in her will. I don't think she had.
It strikes me that the future always brings surprises, different manifestations in reality of what we prognosticate, fear, or idolize. Thanks again, Eva.
That's an interesting twist to look at the angle of trees and physical paper. E-books have environmental problems of their own — the electricity to power everyone's devices has to come from somewhere, and that often gets lost in the talk of electric cars and currencies and so on being the solution to every ill.
Another part of the physical problem, especially for people my age: it's hard to afford a house or even an apartment with a decent amount of space for books. The more conspiratorial-minded folks say this is the elites' plan that we will "own nothing and be happy." Regardless of whatever was or was not purposefully planned, the housing crisis is real. I live with my mom for a complex set of reasons, but if I did move out, I'd need a 2-bedroom rather than a 1-bedroom mostly for my books, and a 2-bedroom is of course even more unaffordable than a 1-bedroom. I can see how some people would prefer e-books over physical books on account of that.
In defense of the conspiratorially minded, (I once quipped that the only conspiracy I wouldn't seriously entertain is that 'Paul is Dead' but after watching "The Winged Beatle" I'm not so sure) I believe it was Klaus Schwab founder of the WEF who originally made the statement.
Seeing as how I am safely in the presence of those of like mind, I can't refrain from telling a short blip about housing in my personal life that relates to astrology.
I live in Cleveland where housing is relatively inexpensive, as you might expect in a city with the infamous distinction of being the second poorest city in the nation. I live in Ohio City where, relative to the rest of Cleveland, housing is more expensive. Ohio city is a revitalized area close to downtown; yet 1/3 of the residents live in poverty. The neighborhood was a bit worse 20 years ago; much of the housing stock is old and run-down. Across the street from me there is a house that I believe is a rental and has always been occupied. To the left of that house is a house that has been empty for over 5 years ever since the elderly owner passed. The house is in bad shape and probably needs to be demolished. To the right of the occupied house is a large two story two family rental. About a year ago the house was emptied of tenants and a crew of immigrant laborers came in and worked on it inside and out all summer long until it looked fabulous. It has remained empty ever since. No for-sale sign or other sign of life. I'm guessing it is probably an investment property now that the stock market is over-valued by 4X. On my side of the street, I live in one of three houses built in the late 1990s. To my left are three old houses all owned by the same person. The two houses closest to me are run down and empty. The owner began major renovations on one of the houses just before covid and then quit leaving a giant eye-sore. I think he must be on drugs. He lives elsewhere. So, there are more empty houses around me than ones that are lived in.
Here's where the Astrology comes in. Libra rules my 4th house of home, but I have my Moon and Neptune conjunct in the fourth house in Scorpio, the sign of the Moon's fall. So even though there is much to like about my house, the neighborhood, beautiful state park nearby, good neighbors (!) there is this other incongruity, a bunch of empty houses in a somewhat desirable neighborhood. I think other features of my natal chart may also reflect my living situation. Saturn is strong in Aquarius, but he lives in my 7th house of open enemies. Mercury is there also and is besieged due to Mars following him/her in the 8th house of Death. I have three traditional planets in the 8th. Mars, Jupiter, and my Sun in Pisces. One of the few bright spots in my chart is that my Sun is followed by Venus in Pisces (exalted) in the 9th! ding ding ding -- for astrologer. Anyway, this brings us full circle back to my 4th house cusp in Libra where Venus provides much needed support. So, I have come to see my house and its surroundings as a rather literal representation of my natal chart.
Yeah, my mom always brings up Klaus Schwab when I complain about the housing costs here in Oregon. From my standpoint, I don't care if the problem is the fault of Klaus Schwab or Donald Duck — I just want to know how I should live my life in relation to its existence. It is true that I would be better off economically if I lived in Ohio. I was getting updates for Dayton, Ohio, from one of the real estate email lists for a while. Prices are much cheaper there than here. I don't really know anyone other than apparently you in Ohio, though. Most of my family is in Oregon. I have Capricorn IC and 4th house, so that makes sense for being rooted to a situation that involves a certain amount of deprivation for me. I have stability here, though, even if it isn't on ideal terms.
Well, I know it’s no consolation in the short term, but if all of the dire predictions of war and economic upheaval come true then I think you will find yourself in a vastly different housing market once the dust has settled. Interest rates remain high and housing is also over valued probably by quite a bit. When I bought in 2003 my interest rate was 6%, which is high by recent historic standards. When Jimmy Carter left office rates were as high as 18% I’m not sure how it is even viable to buy a house with exorbitant rates like those. Whatever the future holds, you can rest assured that these things do go in cycles. So hang in there.
Financial astrologer Grace Morris often talks about the cycles of the Moon's Nodes in relation to various markets. I'm now looking at notes I took on a lecture of hers in January 2022, and she predicted a bottom in the housing market in April 2028 with North Node Capricorn/South Node Cancer. By that system, the housing market reached its top in November 2018 (North Node Cancer/South Node Capricorn). In Oregon, though, housing prices have still increased since 2018:
Great points. The hidden environmental damage from our electronic devices, lithium batteries, and the huge scary energy suck for Bitcoin and probably A.I. computers is a little-talked-about dark side of "progress."
The housing crisis is deplorable. The skyrocketing of unhoused people across the country is evidence of this not being a local, state, or regional problem alone. Since decades ago, I've thought that our wealthy country has plenty of food to feed the hungry, plenty of resources to keep people off the streets, plenty of money to pay for education, K through graduate school. I lean heavily toward Democratic Socialism, and now we are moving toward an autocratic, oligarchy. Will that change with fire and air taking over?
I love your interpretation of Jupiter in Gemini encouraging telepathy. Maybe more of the collective unconscious will become the collective conscious!
Interesting about the nicotine gum. I hope you feel better and stay feeling better.
Thank you!
Thank you for including my 2025 Tarot Journal in your roundup! 🙏 And glad you're feeling on the mend. 🙂