Weekend Entertainment Guide 5/17/24
Web bots perhaps unwittingly zero in on upcoming conjunction between Mars, Uranus, and Algol
The 2024 presidential election is finally starting to be within sight! Although it’s been a pretty dull campaign season so far, things could change as the conjunction between Mars, Uranus, and Algol threatens to shake up the Republican National Convention this summer.
Date of interest: July 15, 2024
Ugh, not another date for people to freak out about! The mass hysteria anticipating the April 8 Solar Eclipse was totally obnoxious, and it led to a pretty big letdown. However, enough people are now talking about July 15 that I feel the need to address it.
EDIT 5/19/24 for alternate Naomi Wolf/Clif High video link: https://rumble.com/v4ue0xq-outspoken-futurist-clif-high-on-the-meaning-of-life.html
Earlier this month,
interviewed Clif High regarding web bots, which crawl the internet looking for language anomalies. High has found over the years that language anomalies increase leading up to dramatic events such as the 9-11 terror attack. He believes this is because we are all psychically connected and leak out psychic content in our speech without realizing it.To whatever extent web bots work, I think they work in spite of High’s unorthodox personal views regarding politics and religion, not because of those views. Wolf works hard throughout the interview to keep High from going off on distracting tangents of that nature.
Overall, Wolf and High both live at a more intense level of controversy than some of my readers may find comfortable. Still, I think it is relevant to address the interview on the grounds that High’s web bots are predicting a major event for July 15-16, 2024.
July 15 was mentioned as a significant date in various astrological forecasts for 2024 because Mars and Uranus will then make a conjunction at 26°19’ Taurus — near the fixed star Algol, which is currently parked at 26°30’ Taurus. Mars is the planet of aggression and conflict, and Uranus is associated with disruptive surprises. Algol has a reputation for violence.
On The Astrology Podcast’s 2024 forecast, Austin Coppock noted that a similar Mars-Uranus-Algol conjunction during World War II was associated with an event involving over 20,000 non-combatant deaths. This time around, Susan Gidel and Sandy Rueve pointed out that the Republican National Convention will begin in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on July 15.
In Clif High’s model, which is not based on astrology, tension builds on July 15 and is released on July 16, sending out a shock wave that will have ripples into spring 2025. He’s not sure what this event will be — and he points out that there’s also potential for it to involve something good.
How, then, should we regular folks live? I recently saw a social media thread where a woman was worried because she realized her wedding scheduled for mid-July was uncomfortably close to the Mars-Uranus-Algol conjunction. I looked at the whole chart and noted that the conjunction in Taurus is broadly sextile Saturn in Pisces, Neptune in Pisces, and the Sun in Cancer, potentially softening the blow.
The wedding’s scheduled time gave the chart Libra Rising, which put the Mars-Uranus-Algol conjunction in the boundary-oriented 8th house. I noted that that might actually be a really good wedding chart for removing the troublesome influence of an intrusive ex or in-law. Even difficult energies can be helpful when given the proper job to do!
Realistically, there are probably a lot of people planning to get married or go on a trip during this part of July. I don’t think everyone needs to cancel their plans. If something on the scale of 9-11 actually happened, it wouldn’t necessarily affect every part of the world equally. 9-11 caused much more day-to-day disruption in New York than it did in Tokyo or even the western United States. You might check the natal chart of your city, state, or country to see whether it has prominent placements late in the fixed signs, as jurisdictions that do could be at elevated risk for upheaval surrounding the Mars-Uranus-Algol conjunction.
Wherever you are, I think it is especially important to be intentional about whatever you choose to do in mid-July. Suppressed tension has the potential to emerge, so don’t push yourself to go along with a course of action you’re not excited about in hopes of keeping the peace.
Person to watch at the Republican National Convention: Nikki Haley
It’s crucial to remember that even the stinkiest mundane astrology transit imaginable is always making a trine to the chart of somebody somewhere. When bad things happen in the world, they usually don’t harm everyone equally. A reshuffling of the deck that is painful and disruptive overall can paradoxically leave some people better off than they were before.
I was surprised that former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley dropped out of the Republican primary as early as she did, suspending her campaign on March 6, 2024. Her birth time is unknown, so it’s unclear whether she has the Sun at 29° Capricorn or 0° Aquarius. Either way, she’s got the Sun in the area that transiting Pluto is moving back and forth over throughout this year.
Haley’s Sun is also part of an out-of-sign Grand Trine with Saturn 29° Taurus and Pluto 1° Libra. Even though she currently has the potentially uncomfortable intensity of Pluto transiting conjunct her Sun, she simultaneously has the kinder transits of Pluto trine her Saturn and Pluto trine her Pluto to compensate.
I am not saying that I agree or disagree with any specific political position that Nikki Haley holds. I am saying that, as an astrologer, I’m jealous — I wish I had a Grand Trine that transiting Pluto was powering over in that way right now.
Algol, being a fixed star, is always pretty close to Haley’s natal Saturn at the end of Taurus. When Mars and Uranus arrive there for the Republican National Convention, they will conjoin Haley’s Saturn, trine her Sun, and trine her Pluto. Her natal Grand Trine will be energized by transits on both the Taurus end and the Capricorn/Aquarius cusp end. She is strongly positioned to make the best of whatever happens at this time.
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, Neptune At 29 Pisces –Neptune is now hanging out at 29° Pisces until early September. Oja states: “On 9/3/24, Neptune makes an exact sextile (60 deg.) to Pluto also just having returned to 29 Capricorn for the last time. Being so close to the next Presidential election, around this time, we may be witnessing a major revelation of sorts that concerns our relationship to government, politics, leadership and the various disappointments, loss of faith and trust we feel.”
This caught my eye because many candidates or potential candidates in the 2024 presidential election have natal chart placements that could receive a boost from Neptune 29° Pisces and Pluto 29° Capricorn.
As discussed above, Nikki Haley has a Grand Trine near the end of the Earth signs, so the transiting Neptune-Pluto sextile forms a kite with all of that. If Haley was born late in the day, she could have her natal Moon around 29° Pisces too.
Donald Trump has Mars 26° Leo conjunct Ascendant 29° Leo, forming a yod with the transiting Neptune-Pluto sextile.
Joe Biden has Sun 27° Scorpio conjunct Venus 28° Scorpio, trined by transiting Neptune and sextiled by transiting Pluto (though the latter is separating, as Pluto only goes as far back as 29° Capricorn in 2024).
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has Sun 27° Capricorn conjunct Mercury 29° Capricorn, sextiled by transiting Neptune and conjoined by transiting Pluto. The Mars-Uranus-Algol conjunction in late Taurus in July will provide a big trine to his late Capricorn stellium, which also includes Chiron, the North Node, and Venus. Meanwhile, his running mate, Nicole Shanahan, was kind enough to include her whole natal chart on her X account; she has Neptune at 0° Capricorn, so transiting Neptune is approaching a square to her natal Neptune, but it won’t quite get there in 2024.
There is apparently a formula to determine whether or not a movie gets a dance scene. It sounds totally logical once Fearnley lays it out, but I would never have thought of that on my own. It’s good to know for the waning moments of sensual Taurus season.
, Dissecting the New York Times' Plea for Vaccine AmnestyA Midwestern Doctor responds to the recent article in The New York Times on the experiences of those who say they were injured by the COVID-19 vaccines. One Times interviewee, Michelle Zimmerman, developed brain damage and became unable to work after receiving the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. (Zimmerman goes into further detail about her experiences on her X account.)
Times reporter Apoorva Mandavilli summarized, “Dr. Zimmerman’s account is among the more harrowing,” and A Midwestern Doctor retorted, “This statement implies the majority of the thousands [of] COVID vaccine injuries are much less severe than Dr. Zimmerman’s, when in reality, I and my colleagues know many people who would give anything to trade their current (much worse) injury for what Zimmerman is going through (e.g., assisted suicide, homelessness and failed marriages are common topics in their support groups).”
Mandavilli reported that the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program, set up to pay up to $50,000 per claim of injury related to a COVID-19 vaccine, “has reviewed only a fraction of the 13,000 claims filed, and has paid out only a dozen.” A Midwestern Doctor noted that, in the absence of effective government help, the private nonprofit React19 has been able to provide financial assistance to some patients.
To bring this back to astrology, Saturn’s transit through a particular sign can be associated with a sense of scarcity in matters pertaining to that sign. For example, Saturn is currently moving through Pisces, which is associated with spirituality. A
post in a previous edition of Weekend Entertainment Guide talked about spiritual practitioners being attacked by their competitors — as though the success of one practitioner would have to come at the expense of another. One of the rivalries in question had to do with Tarot decks. Honestly, what world is White’s attacker living in where it is common for Tarot enthusiasts to stick to buying only one deck? If the attacker had thought about it for a minute, they might have realized plenty of customers would be happy to buy both their deck and White’s deck.More broadly, the sign of Pisces is associated with compassion. Mandavilli and A Midwestern Doctor generally appear to be in agreement that people reporting injuries from the COVID-19 vaccines have not been treated with compassion. Mandavilli wrote of her 30 interviewees, “All said they had been turned away by physicians, told their symptoms were psychosomatic, or labeled anti-vaccine by family and friends — despite the fact that they supported vaccines.”
My observation is that there are at least a couple of potential astrological legs to this dynamic. One is the idealism of Neptune in Pisces really wanting the vaccines to work perfectly because they were pursued with such noble intentions. The realism of Saturn coming into Pisces and catching up to Neptune could show, as Saturn is wont to do, that you don’t always get what you want just because you want it.
However, Saturn in Pisces might also be fueling the destructive and false idea that there isn’t enough compassion to go around. There appears to be a misconception that providing a compassionate response to COVID-19 vaccine injuries somehow takes away from the compassion that those who died or experienced other tragic outcomes from COVID-19 itself, as well as their survivors and loved ones, absolutely rightly deserve.
You do not honor the memory of those who died terrible deaths from COVID-19 by maiming and invalidating others in their name.
I can't speak to the validity of web bot language anomalies, but it's certainly interesting that two distinct modalities converge on July 15 as a date of interest for their own reasons 👀
Speaking as an archetypal astrologer, and partial to a wider orb than most, I'm inclined to see this event as a last hurrah for the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, which will still be within the 15° range.
Thanks for another intriguing piece 🙏