Aug 2Liked by Eva Sylwester

What do you think Cancel Culture is likely to do when Neptune enters Aries? I can't wrap my mind around it.

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I think Neptune shows us who or what we idealize at a given time. Neptune in Pisces idealizes compassion for the vulnerable, so whoever can claim to be the most compassionate toward the vulnerable by finding the most minute offenses to cancel others over gets the glory. "Can claim to be" is often key, though — their claims sometimes contain pieces of truth but also a fair amount of Neptunian delusion. Understandably, many people have grown frustrated and fed up with it.

I think that when Neptune enters Aries, anything smacking of cancel culture will become seen as seriously uncool. At that time, we will start to idealize the rebel who says any crazy thing that pops into his or her head no matter how awful and offensive. It will be like going back to the Pluto in Sagittarius/Neptune in Aquarius era when South Park was new and edgy. We will pivot from one unbearable extreme to its also unbearable opposite.

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