Sep 28Liked by Eva Sylwester


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I really appreciate your hard work aggregating and reviewing the work of various Substack Astrologers; I am also honored that you have included me. The Weekend Entertainment Guide is the kind of thing that has lots of potential, perhaps to expand and improve over time. It is especially helpful for those of us who publish only weekly or intermittently. Substack seems to work best for those writers who publish much more frequently than that. Also, as someone who writes frequently about politics, I am left to wonder how much my efforts to keep my articles as non-partisan as possible might work against me. In a world where even institutions are now taking sides, and being rather underhanded in their approach to those who aren't on board with their side, I am grateful to find a community of people who seem to appreciate what I am trying to do. It wasn't that long ago that institutions would at least try to maintain a veneer of non-partisanship. So, thank-you so much for your open heart and fantastic energy.

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Thank you for the kind words! I am not sure what Substack wants, but what I personally want is to keep the astrology community together in spite of a political realignment that is affecting us. As long as I have known anything about astrology, the astrology community has been pretty reliably Democrat β€” and why wouldn't it have been, as the Religious Right that ran the Republican Party since at least the 1980s was not welcoming to anyone whose spirituality was not conventionally Christian.

As I will explore in my contribution to the forthcoming book Changing of the Guards, though, I think there has been a political realignment set off by the 2015 legalization of same-sex marriage and the 2016 election of Donald Trump β€” and then everything that happened surrounding COVID-19 only exacerbated it. From the 1960s until this realignment, the Democratic Party represented the archetypes of the Puer and the Great Mother joining forces against the Republican Party, which represented the archetype of the Senex. Well, the alliance of Puer and the Great Mother actually succeeded in taking out the Senex, and then the Puer and the Great Mother were stuck with each other β€” and then the Puer and the Great Mother turned on each other. As a result, in this realignment that began in 2015-2016, the Republican Party led by childish Trump has taken on the Puer archetype, and the Democratic Party has gone deeper down the road of the Great Mother β€” to the point of becoming the Devouring Mother, as the Puer is no longer around to moderate her excesses.

My point being, I don't think we have to worry about any substantial number of astrologers having a sudden epiphany that the Religious Right was right about everything, but I do think we as astrologers have to navigate the shift from safely assuming we are all Democrats to realizing that our community now contains both Harris Democrats and Kennedy Democrats. Whatever side of that split I am personally on, I don't want to alienate astrologers who are on the other side of it. The astrology community is bigger than it used to be, but it is still small enough that allowing a political schism to take root could threaten our recent gains. As Weekend Entertainment Guide regularly points out, different astrologers have different specialties, and we need everyone.

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Allot of info there that I have to digest and look into as I am not familiar with the archetypes you reference. There are some conservative Trump astrologers out there. At this point, I'm not sure Kennedy would identify as a Democrat. He is certainly going after them whole hardheartedly. At any rate the Kennedy to Kamala schism is pretty large. The times we live in are so strange that old paradigms don't hold up too well. I have allot of questions about the whole political process and just how much it is controlled. It is not hard for me to imagine that our presidents are chosen ahead of time by a group of influential power brokers. Or, they see the writing or astrology on the wall and know, for example, that Trump will win and then decide accordingly what needs to be done to keep him in line with the program. Have you read Whitney Webb? I'm not saying I believe that exactly but anyone who rises high enough to be a viable candidate is going to be controlled. Is Trump really a threat to establishment or is this all just theatre? It looks a lot like theatre to me. At any rate, whoever wins, they are not the ones who will be calling the shots. There are influential people in the shadows who really control our country and most of the western world from the top to the bottom. Bezos, Musk, and Zuckerburg were all chosen. It's just a myth that it was because they were so smart that they rose up. They are captured just like the rest of us. I have no doubt of that. If we have any free will it is pretty limited in a world where Trump and Harris are our choice.

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Yeah, Peter Novak is openly conservative, but he is the main astrologer of that sort who comes to mind for me. By Kennedy Democrat, I mean the sort of person who wants abortion and gay marriage to be legal but doesn't agree with how the Biden administration handled COVID-19. Those people are in a tough spot at this point, regardless of how Kennedy currently identifies himself.

I come across Whitney Webb on occasion but don't follow her closely. I remember this past summer, shortly after J.D. Vance was announced as Trump's running mate, that Whitney Webb claimed J.D. Vance was Deep State β€” and then some other person claimed that Whitney Webb was Deep State. We can't always know for sure that people are who they say they are, but that exchange really showed me how unproductive those sorts of accusations can be. If Whitney Webb or J.D. Vance or my neighbor's cat or anybody else really is part of the Deep State, the Deep State probably isn't going to tell me. I have to go on living without having that confirmed. I would advise to look at what people do and what the outcomes of their actions are. Whatever the rest of the story behind the scenes might be, do the actions of a particular person lead to good outcomes? People can say all kinds of things, but they can't hide from reality forever.

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Sep 28Β·edited Sep 28Liked by Eva Sylwester

I'm not too impressed with the outcomes of either party. The last time the Democrats threw us any crumbs was when they passed Obamacare and though that was progress on some level, it also made a good case against big government. Trump voted to overturn the 6 wk ban on abortion in Florida. He is pretty close to being in line with the rest of the country, as a whole, on abortion.

Reagan had an in-house astrologer. He's probably the most famous modern president we can point to who regularly looked to the stars for advice. I don't know if Evangeline Adams was a Republican but I imagine J.P. Morgan was.

At any rate, as long as we can all get along who cares what label they wear. We have one uni-party in this country and if Trump wins we can see if he is able to make much of a difference, but I won't be holding my breath. I'm vaccine injured and thankfully mostly recovered but I know people who died. Today, I see 80% of the country hypnotized or too busy to care that they were, and are, being poisoned. Kennedy's book should be required for everyone, but even he appears captured to me. I hope he isn't, and I hope he is given an opportunity to work on our nations health, but these multi-nationals corps have no problem getting there way even if they have too murder everybody in their way. These are very brutal times, and I believe it's going to get much worse very soon.

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Last I heard out of Trump, he was still defending the vaccine and Operation Warp Speed β€” and this was after Kennedy told all of his supporters to vote for Trump. For someone who is liberal on social issues but opposed to the way the COVID vaccine issue was handled, what in the world is the incentive to vote for Trump? I acknowledge Trump is not as personally conservative on the social issues as some people, but during his previous term in office, he largely went along with what the social conservatives wanted in order to get their support.

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Yes, I largely agree. The Dems are worse though they support vaccine mandates. You have to be up to date to work on Kamala's campaign. And, Trump has come out against vaccine mandates. The border and free speech (see Hillary's latest comments) are my top issues so if I had to vote it would definitely be Trump. But as I have said,I believe it is all largely theatre. If Trump wins they bamboozle the right into believing they have won. Then like Reagan before they let in all the illegals and pass gun laws in the name of reigning in all of the Antifa who will be rioting because Soros and the FBI tell them to. Exactly as they are now with Eric Adams, they are all piling on because he was indicted not proven guilty of anything. Antifa will be much worse if Trump wins. They'll be burning down what's left of the cities. The right hasn't rioted, or even a rally, since they got bamboozled on Jan 6. All of these elected official left and right are corrupt as they can be. Search Ole Dammergard in your podcast app, or a real search engine, if you want to hear some really compelling commentary and evidence that just about everything is a psy-op especially the Trump shooting. So in the end, after listening to Dammegard, I could almost think we are better off with Kamala but it looks to me like she is trying to lose. What's with all the word salad. If she was a prosecutor she can do better. It's all an act. She's trying to lose. I must defend Whitney Webb unlike all of these so-called journalists on legacy media, she literally wrote the book on Jeffrey Epstein. Because All of these news anchors (actors) want to do is sit at the table with their pedophile friends they wont follow-up on any of it. Just like they won't report on the vaccine or the absolutely horrendous effects of the lock-down and shut down. Both parties are sending the deficit to astronomical heights while they print money. The end result can only be war probably civil and world. At least their are some on the Republican side investigating Pfizer and Fauci and at least say they support free-speech. But both sides voted overwhelmingly to ban tictok. Eric Adams is the only one who spoke out about the 10,000 immigrants entering new-york each month and who are being put to the front of the line ahead of American and given housing vouchers. I wish I believed we had a real choice but either way they are moving us to world government with no freedoms. I don't believe Trump is the answer but the Democrats openly say we need to get rid of free speech. They have already sold out to Bill Gates and the WEF and WHO. Its class warfare not Dems against Republicans. They are going to fire up the war machines and lock down who ever is left afterwards.

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