Thanks for posting my Kepler lecture on the USA 2024 Solar Return - I appreciate it! ❤️

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Yes, I hope to attend!

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Great! See you there🌅

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Jul 6Liked by Eva Sylwester

The Mars/Uranus/Algol merger directly opposes Biden's Sun in Scorpio, so this would be the ideal moment for him to remove his crown (head) and preserve his legacy with dignity. And let the country get on with having at least half a chance of denying Trump a second term.

Thank you for the mention of my review of Arroyo's book. It was one of those gems that slid under the radar a couple of years ago but deserved much more attention.

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Yeah, Biden choosing that freely would probably be the best possible outcome. Otherwise, it's potentially one of those situations where, if you don't choose change consensually, change will probably be forced on you in the ugliest possible way.

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Thanks for the shoutout!

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Thanks for the mention and for the many great articles to read. I've got them lined up on my screen here and they should make for a very enjoyable Friday night.

Also, I agree with you 1 billion percent---I know that's impossible, mathematicians, I claim literary license!--about your comment on being accountable to ironclad predictions.

It sounds like you are like me, in that you enjoy going down various, sometimes deep and even nutso rabbit holes on the Internet, and it sounds like you've found yourself frustrated like me that so many people who game the algorithms with BOLD predictions are never held to account.

Personally, I'd like to live in a world where individuals hold themselves to account---I've never enjoyed policing others---so yeah, for those out there who make predictions and might be reading this, you'll gain A LOT more credibility with people if, when those things don't happen, you point them, just as you point out the things you got right.

Anyway---taking responsibility for the media we create is kind of a thing I tend to ramble on about, so I'll leave it there...just glad to find someone else who feels a similar way!

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Good points. To clarify, I don't want the government or even a citizens' mob to come after the Clif High types and police accountability in that way — that approach definitely causes more problems than it solves. The ideal would be individuals holding themselves to account for their predictions as you mentioned. Also, consumers of this sort of content need to hold themselves accountable. If you invest a lot of time and energy into following a particular content creator, and that person continually lets you down with claims of things that do not wind up happening, you should probably move on at some point.

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Yes, absolutely on all points. Lately, I've been using my voice to share with people that if they have complaints about the media, they need to take the idea of supporting media with integrity more seriously. And this means, as you mention, turning away from those who let us down, especially if they don't come clean about it. (If they come clean, that's a different matter---I respect people who say, "Look, I got this wrong.")

Anyway, yeah, I did NOT mean to imply that your article suggested any government or citizen's mob to take action.... I apologize if my comment made it sound like I did!

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No worries -- the problem of censorship is a big one these days too, so I wanted to address that. It's like the censors and the people who say unhinged stuff feed off each other. The more the censors censor, the more martyred the conspiracy theorists feel, and the more appealing the conspiracy theorists become to consumers.

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Yes, your comment makes me think of a frame that I probably rely on too much: the Karpman Drama Triangle of victim, bully, and savior. I hadn't made the connection to how this triangle is played in the censorship realm. All I know is that the triangle shows up everywhere, and it harms everyone, participants and non-participants alike.

Here's to more integrity all around.

(I've been having a months-long conversation with the publisher of an alternative media site that was read by millions throughout the 2010s about how the lack of responsibility taken by alternative media creators has, in part, fueled the crackdown by the powers that shouldn't be. It's a complicated topic, for sure, but yeah, we gotta do our part not to pollute the information ocean and to support others who are acting as earnest stewards of these "waters.")

It's now 10:45 pm here in central Japan, and I've spent a very enjoyable 90 minutes listening to a concert by my favorite band while reading many of the articles you linked. Thanks again for that. I'm gonna call it a night, but I will close by sharing an article I wrote on this topic in spring 2023:


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Wow, good catch on the Karpman triangle playing out in this context. Yeah, giving your opponent an opportunity to claim martyrdom is often a good way to get saviors rushing to their defense. Don't do it, censors. ;-)

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Thanks for the mention Eva. I really appreciate it! Great run-through, lots of interesting articles to read.

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