Weekend Entertainment Guide: Welcome to Taurus Season!
Excitement is likely as Jupiter conjoins Uranus April 20.
As of 7:00 am PDT today, the Sun has entered Taurus, kicking off a reliably sensual time of year. This particular Taurus season is likely to be more exciting than most. At 7:27 pm PDT on Saturday, April 20, 2024, a conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus will take place at 21°49’ Taurus. These two planets meet every 13.81 years. Uranus is associated with change and disruption, and Jupiter makes everything it touches bigger. Chaos is definitely possible, but so is profound creativity if we channel this energy thoughtfully!
Video of the Week
Georgia Stathis, chairperson of the Alexandria iBase Project, kicks off a three-part series on the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. This series is intended to raise funds and awareness for the Alexandria iBase Project, which seeks to preserve astrological literature.
Stathis is ideally positioned to take on this topic, as she is the author of a powerfully concise book on the synodic cycles of the outer planets. I think of Pushing through Time: Synodic Cycles and their Developing Phases as the short version of Cosmos and Psyche. A portion of the proceeds from Pushing through Time is also donated to the Alexandria iBase Project.
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, Burning DragonsCorbesier analyzes the fire at the Børsen stock exchange in Copenhagen, Denmark, which took place when retrograde Mercury reached the degree of the April 8 Solar Eclipse on April 16.
, The Broken Bridge and the DreamAnderson dives into the astrology of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse. The ship that hit the bridge was named after artist Salvador Dali, and Anderson’s analysis covers this connection. To expand on Anderson’s theme of Saturn-Neptune aspects, The Maritime Executive points out that the naming of the ship took place in early January 2015, and Saturn in Sagittarius was close to a square with Neptune in Pisces that month.
, You Get One Life. Don’t Screw It up by Being Normal.Denning isn’t an astrologer as far as I know, but his comments on celebrating your weirdness are thematically very appropriate for the current Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. Like me, Denning is 37 years old and was born near a Jupiter-Uranus square, which is like a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction but more stressful. (This applies to many people born in 1986 and 1987 — the relevant exact hits of Jupiter square Uranus that cycle were June 4, 1986; September 6, 1986; and February 11, 1987.)
A main theme of both Pushing through Time by Georgia Stathis and Cosmos and Psyche by Richard Tarnas is that people who were born at a configuration between a given two planets often come to prominence at subsequent configurations of the same two planets, when the world’s energy happens to match their own energy especially well.
In Pushing through Time, the chapter on Jupiter-Uranus aspects provides the example of Steve Jobs, who was born near a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in 1955, and follows his work with Apple through subsequent Jupiter-Uranus alignments. For example, Apple was working on the Newton, a personal digital assistant, at the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction of 1997. The Newton didn’t take off, but some of the labor that went into the Newton paid off in the iPad, which was released at the next Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in 2010.
Olivia "Bonni" Heart via
, ARIES III 20° - 29°59: A Visual RepresentationHeart explains her process for making an illustration to represent the third decan of Aries.
/ , The Sun Enters TaurusThis article supplies a solid overview of the current Taurus season including planetary ingresses and significant aspects.
HannahRae Stevens via
, Taurus I: The Weight of Her MantleStevens provides a literary interpretation of the first decan of Taurus.
Free Online Event
Rhonda Buttery will advise on how to get Solar Fire, astrology’s ubiquitous but user-unfriendly software program, to work. Saturday, April 20, 2024, 1 pm PDT. Register here through Kepler College.
Thanks for the mention!
Hi Eva, thanks for the shout out, it looks like I'm in good company here with the excellent content you've highlighted. Lots to get stuck into.
And great spot with regards to the naming of the ship! It never occurred to me to look that up.