Thanks for mentioning my piece, Eva!

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Yes, Butthole Branding -- the perfect moniker to describe 90% of all AI hype.

Thanks for the shout-out!

And that's some fascinating sleuthing on the hurricane (though that astrologer's TikTok grinds my last nerve -- a bit high on her supply).

And also the impact of Portland's Neptune return -- wild.

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Brilliant connecting Neptune to the Homelessness challenge Oregon went through. Possibly the legalization and then recriminalization of hard drugs, too.

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Yes, the drug legalization was definitely part of all that too. I think we had to do it to know for sure what would happen, due to issues baked into the state's psyche — I went off on that in my previous essay anthology, Impossible Dreams: Hopes, Fears, and Expectations for Saturn in Pisces.

Seeing Oregon's Neptune opposite the USA Neptune brings in another leg of the problem. I had the perception that the rest of the United States was intentionally shipping its homeless population to Oregon because we were the "nice" state, resulting in Oregon being held to standards no one would hold God to. Someone running for Eugene City Council who came to my door for his campaign said the data didn't reflect that, though — according to his sources, at least 80 percent of Oregon's homeless population was from Oregon. Again, with Neptune in the mix, who the heck knows what is true. I was born in Eugene, Oregon, with Neptune conjunct the IC, so my own Neptune conjunct IC line runs through the Pacific Ocean just off the coast of Oregon, so my personal and family Neptune issues can therefore get conflated with Oregon's collective Neptune issues very easily.

Oregon also simply has higher housing costs than many other parts of the country. In some cases, homelessness is not more complicated than that. I would not currently be able to make a living in freelance writing in Oregon if I didn't live with my mother.

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It seems to me that the entire psychedelic renaissance coming out of the Bay Area of San Francisco (once again) and championed by the likes of Grof, Tim Ferris, Richard Tarnas, and CIIS can be reached its peak with Neptune in Pisces. I would think that there will be some movement back to finding spiritual meaning not through psychtropics but rather energetic yogas as Neptune moves into Aries.

Partly, this could come as a backlash to the way an Ayahuasca journey can completely derail a successful corporate career. Indeed, we need "spiritual warriors: (Neptune in Aries) more than ever who are willing to engage in the corporate world and transform it into a life-sustaining endeavor rather than just a profit margin growth endeavor.

With Mars in Cancer over the next 6 months, it is likely that reworking American housing policy and hopefully Oregons housing policy will be in the works.

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