Eva’s newsletter has truly been one of my favorite finds of 2024 and, I think I’ve told her this before in these Comments, has come to be one of those regular, nutritious pieces of my weekly media diet that I always look forward to and cherish!
And I don’t remember how I discovered your work, Alison, but it quite likely was on one of these weekly digests. Regardless, your work is also one of my favorite discoveries of 2024. Keep it up!
On my end, for the second straight fall, I went through some kind of “media Dark Night of the Soul,” where I was deeply questioning the point of all of this work we content creators produce, and this led me to not only stop publishing on my blog for the past few months, it caused me to (mostly) stop consuming media I was truly valuing such as both of yours.
On the bright side, at the of December 2023, as part of a two-year (three-year?) commitment to make Saturn the “captain of my Life’s ship” that I determined from doing an excellent astrology workshop in December 2022-January 2023, I was able to finish my 2024 media commitment of publishing one podcast every day of 2024 on 12/31/2024—366 of ‘em (and really 376, for those keeping score, since I did 10 at the end of 2023 to decide if I truly wanted to commit to such a project. After finishing it, perhaps I’m the one who should be committed!! Ha ha. In all seriousness, I feel a GREAT sense of accomplishment and yesterday, 1/1/2025—I live in the “future” in Japan, lol—I felt freedom like I’ve never known!!).
Long story short, I’m giving myself the rest of this first week of January to just chill out and enjoy “mindless” hobbies (mostly watching American football!), before I’ll give myself January to determine my media creation plans for 2025.
I’m positive writing here on Substack, both in my Archetypal Lens blog and my lesser-used one on political/social issues and current events, will be a big part of it, as will spending more time using the social media aspects of Substack to continue creating a sense of community, and finding fellow travelers such as yourselves and doing what I can to promote your excellent work!
On that note, thanks for reading this and, again, keep up the great work to both of you! Here’s to an awesome, transformational 2025–bring on the Fire and Air, says this Earth-sign Capricorn Sun/Moon/Jupiter conjunction with Mercury there, too and Water sign Cancer Rising fella!
I agree about the telepathy conundrum - it’s how I always feel about social media. My thoughts are not interesting enough to tweet about or send into someone’s brain🤣
First and foremost, Happy New Year 2025, Eva! Here's to us doing whatever we can to make 2025 our best year personally and collectively yet, including continuing to create media (even if it sometimes can feel like no one's noticing!).
I ended up writing a fair amount of what I wanted to say to you in my comment under our colleague Alison Dale's comment, but felt like I wanted to re-iterate in a separate comment here how grateful to whoever/whatever the Great Narrator of my Life is that led me to discovering your work and, ultimately, us working together on the Pluto in Aquarius anthology and hopefully projects in the future, as well.
I know I sort of dropped off of publishing on Substack these past few months (I share a bit on why in the comment under Alison's, but MAY write a separate post on the Archetypal Lens going into what happened), but I'm reasonably sure 2025 will find me publishing over here again and also sharing your work with others to the best of my ability.
Now---to just one aspect of what is (as always) a newsletter full of interesting threads to pull on---the whole telepathy conversation with all of its various implications has long fascinated me so I was pleased to see you addressing it. I've had many of the same thoughts you have had.
I mean, as a guy who just put pretty my whole self out to the world through 366 podcasts every day in 2024, I've long lived by the ethos of being an open book and honestly don't feel any shame in any of my various behaviors. However, I also recognize that society---and even people close to me---have different values than I do, and if people were to be able to hear all of my thoughts, it could lead to all sorts of unwanted consequences.
Because true telepathy would be such a MASSIVE change to the human experience, I suspect that it's much less likely to become the norm than some are pondering; I think having this internal, (mostly) private world of our thoughts is one of the reasons we DO sign up to be humans before we incarnate here.
Having said that, I also believe that it's most likely there ARE other species who DO have that ability and that, yes, we also have it to varying degrees, and there are ways to increase our capabilities.
The last thing I'll say, though, is that as someone who has very rarely experienced some pretty powerful telepathic moments, I know to be careful what we wish for. This is because if we were able to know not only the thoughts but the feelings of those around us (and they, ours), it would lead to a much more "crowded" experience inside our own heads and bodies.
I'll share the one that comes to mind to finish yet another of my overly long Comments, lol:
This happened about a decade ago in my house here in Japan. My son was about 9 or 10 years old. At the time, Pluto was beginning to make its transit over my Sun-Moon-Jupiter conjunction in mid-Capricorn, and my Uranus opposition was also happening, but I didn't know this at the time. All I knew was that it was an INTENSE period of my life, with some of my most powerful expressions of what I've come to label my BryPolar Condition (I think type 2 bi-polar, but never diagnosed) and I was in a very strong high, hypomania bordering on mania probably.
Anyway, I heard in our living room that my son was arguing very emotionally with my wife and I went there to see if I could help. It turned out that he was refusing to go into the adjacent room to get a school textbook for some homework his mother was demanding he do and as I entered he finally shared the reason: He was afraid to go in there because he'd seen a ghost in that room a few nights before and didn't want to enter now because it was dark and he didn't want to see it again.
My wife was incredulous, thinking that this creative kid who hated school with a passion was trying to pull one over on here. But, for whatever reason, I immediately felt myself "inside" his emotional experience and I KNEW/FELT that he was NOT lying. Now, this doesn't mean he did or didn't see a ghost---all it means is he believed he did and he WAS being honest with my wife.
First, I was rather blown away by this experience and, being in a hypomanic mode, was having trouble figuring out how to relate it to my wife, but then it came to me just to say with as much conviction as I could: "He's telling the truth. I'll go get the textbook."
My wife has her flaws in how she relates with me, but on a deep level she knows when I'm being earnest and I believe HOW I said it convinced her not to start arguing with me, with like a "How can you know that he's telling the truth?" or a "Why are you covering for him when it's obvious he's lying so he can avoid doing his housework?" Instead, she just sort of rolled her eyes at me and then I looked my son in the eyes and said, "I know you're scared, but daddy can go get it, okay?"
On one hand, I think he was grateful on a very deep level that I believed him---our society is all too quick to discount people who have these "paranormal experiences" which makes them even harder for people to process than they already are---and on the other, I know he wasn't too happy that I was going to be able to get the textbook and he'd lose access to that excuse not to do his homework.
Still, he managed, a "thank you" and I went in to the other room, turned on the light, assured him there was no ghost and had him come into the room and help me find the textbook.
Anyway, that was one of the more powerful, emotional experiences of telepathy I've ever had and I honestly don't think I'd want to live in a world where I had access to that ability all of the time. I'm a person who highly values my sovereignty and dealing with my own internal world is already enough of a task without having to deal with everyone else's!
And to close with what I already mentioned, I know that the society I live in now would likely have A LOT of trouble dealing with the things I ponder internally---being a somewhat unique foreigner in a highly homogenous culture like Japan leads me to that conclusion---and as someone who has already spent 45 days in a Japanese jail for having different values than the Japanese, I fear that I'd end up back in such a place again. And that, while a HUGE worry, may be the least of my (our) worries.
So long story short, I pray we hold the reigns on this Telepathy Movement and may have to write a separate blog post / do a podcast (or both!) about this topic since I do have some experience with it, unlike (I believe) most people.
Okay, thanks for "letting" me "pollute" your Comments with such a long-ass response---just how this Mars/Neptune conjunct and Venus in Sagittarius guy roles (oh, also with Mercury at a 0 degree like yours, Eva, but Capricorn for me).
Again, Happy New Year and I look forward to your work and working with you in 2025!
Thanks, Bryan! I appreciate your support — looking forward to your return to blogging. Cool story about your son. Sometimes telepathy happens in just the right way at just the right moment, and it's helpful to everyone involved, like the story you shared. If I could know for sure that telepathy would stick to those kinds of manifestations, I'd be a lot less worried about it.
You're welcome; you make it easy to support you with your consistent, excellent efforts.
As for my story, yeah, it had a positive outcome to be sure, but it strikes me that if, just as in my story, only some of us have this capability but others don't, it's going to lead to all sorts of misunderstandings and issues. I mean, for one, I couldn't even really explain to my wife WHY I spoke with such conviction about my son being honest. I think I tried to explain it to her much later but, because she'd never had that kind of experience, she just couldn't get it.
I could see where if only certain people developed these abilities, the collective may not treat them too kindly, or may want to take advantage of them. Anyway, yeah, I'm not on board for telepathy any time soon---give me another "tele" word first---teleportation! That's a whole 'nother can of worms, but I do love the idea of being able to travel anywhere extremely quickly and to send and receive things super fast. It sure would make the immigration topic pointless, though...lol.
I think certain people already have these abilities whether anyone else finds it convenient or not. In that sense, it is just a reality we need to adapt to. My dad for whatever weird reason actually advocated the government getting involved in telepathy. I personally don't want the government to be involved, but society should figure out how this is going to work on a cultural level.
I loved reading this. What a great idea to get to know others’ writing and fellow astrologers on this platform! I also absolutely love your considerations on telepathy and psychic abilities. I have T Pluto quincunx my N Mercury and Sun in Virgo 3rd along with a bunch of other massive transits in my chart and these topics have been up for me as well. As humanity evolves telepathy and psychic abilities likely heighten as we align more and more with our natural state, navigating that will likely ask us to make those adjustments and learn navigating this with grace and a wider understanding.
An honor to be mentioned here, thank you so much! 😊
Right, grace and understanding would be great to have as telepathic abilities increase — and I suppose I'm afraid we won't get grace and understanding. The #MeToo movement is an important parallel because it was correct that certain social changes needed to happen, but it went about making those changes in a pretty harsh and abrupt way. And sometimes that's the only way change is going to happen, and maybe it had to happen that way in that moment for a variety of reasons including blow-things-up-big Jupiter being in vindictive Scorpio at the time. I would like the oh-no-now-we-can-all-read-each-other's-thoughts version of #MeToo to be handled differently, though.
Yeah, I hear you and am really appreciating this conversation as it’s got me thinking how it would be asking us all to mature dramatically on so many topics! And generally the masses, at least from my observation and perspective, seem not so easy to mature quickly. That could be quite a mess and dangerous for those who see things from a bit of a more self reflective, grounded, wider and broader perspective. Woah all such good points … right …Jupiter was in Scorpio .. and now we’ve got Pluto squaring that axis for 20 years 😅
Yes, and Aquarius is renowned for being so good that it doesn't have to be kind. Telepathy could just give the judgy side of Aquarius more fuel on all kinds of topics. You think you can escape your local busybody in the privacy of your own mind, and you won't even get away with that. Ugh! Being self-reflective, bringing in the Leo polarity, is key -- some people just need to think for a minute about their own complexity before they expect everyone else to live up to a standard of perfection.
Oh gosh true! Ugh that particular shadow side of Aquarius is likely to reveal itself quite a lot in the coming years, it’s going to be an exercise to not get caught up in that, even if it’s in our own minds! Like you said the self reflection will be key … maybe it’s the thing that will get more people learning and finding tools such as astrology for self reflection which is good and I think so very needed.
Do you think there's any danger of critics cracking down on astrology during the Pluto in Aquarius transit for that reason -- because they see it as a threat to their power?
I’ve been wondering that and wondering if there will be a false acceptance of it in some way. It seems astrology has been a criticized practice by religion and by society because it does empower the people in general and empowers people to not need religion and be less inclined to conform but I am wondering if now, being that it could by the nature of Pluto in Aqua become a natural expansion in consciousness, if now the astrology apps and AI being the thing that keeps people thinking they are getting adequate and correct astrological counsel but will deep astrological counsel be accessible in that? I’ve been feeling that those of us that have studied with astrology teachers up to now are so blessed we did because we have access to passed down knowledge from people who’ve studied with the most recent masters of this wisdom. What will happen when it’s all just AI and digitized info? What do you think?
Thank you so much for the mention :). This was an entertaining read and I appreciate the heads up about Susan Gidel's upcoming webinar. I just finished reading her book on trading. Thank you!
Whoa thank you for the reminder on Susan Gidel. I was not sure why I woke up so early on a Saturday Oregon time, and I started looking through my Substack notifications -- right, I was supposed to go to that!
Thanks for the mention! What a gorgeously thorough newsletter!
Eva’s newsletter has truly been one of my favorite finds of 2024 and, I think I’ve told her this before in these Comments, has come to be one of those regular, nutritious pieces of my weekly media diet that I always look forward to and cherish!
And I don’t remember how I discovered your work, Alison, but it quite likely was on one of these weekly digests. Regardless, your work is also one of my favorite discoveries of 2024. Keep it up!
On my end, for the second straight fall, I went through some kind of “media Dark Night of the Soul,” where I was deeply questioning the point of all of this work we content creators produce, and this led me to not only stop publishing on my blog for the past few months, it caused me to (mostly) stop consuming media I was truly valuing such as both of yours.
On the bright side, at the of December 2023, as part of a two-year (three-year?) commitment to make Saturn the “captain of my Life’s ship” that I determined from doing an excellent astrology workshop in December 2022-January 2023, I was able to finish my 2024 media commitment of publishing one podcast every day of 2024 on 12/31/2024—366 of ‘em (and really 376, for those keeping score, since I did 10 at the end of 2023 to decide if I truly wanted to commit to such a project. After finishing it, perhaps I’m the one who should be committed!! Ha ha. In all seriousness, I feel a GREAT sense of accomplishment and yesterday, 1/1/2025—I live in the “future” in Japan, lol—I felt freedom like I’ve never known!!).
Long story short, I’m giving myself the rest of this first week of January to just chill out and enjoy “mindless” hobbies (mostly watching American football!), before I’ll give myself January to determine my media creation plans for 2025.
I’m positive writing here on Substack, both in my Archetypal Lens blog and my lesser-used one on political/social issues and current events, will be a big part of it, as will spending more time using the social media aspects of Substack to continue creating a sense of community, and finding fellow travelers such as yourselves and doing what I can to promote your excellent work!
On that note, thanks for reading this and, again, keep up the great work to both of you! Here’s to an awesome, transformational 2025–bring on the Fire and Air, says this Earth-sign Capricorn Sun/Moon/Jupiter conjunction with Mercury there, too and Water sign Cancer Rising fella!
Thanks, Bryan! I did not know you had a podcast. I will have to look that up.
Thanks Bryan! And congrats on the accomplishment, that’s amazing! Happy new year 🎊
I agree about the telepathy conundrum - it’s how I always feel about social media. My thoughts are not interesting enough to tweet about or send into someone’s brain🤣
First and foremost, Happy New Year 2025, Eva! Here's to us doing whatever we can to make 2025 our best year personally and collectively yet, including continuing to create media (even if it sometimes can feel like no one's noticing!).
I ended up writing a fair amount of what I wanted to say to you in my comment under our colleague Alison Dale's comment, but felt like I wanted to re-iterate in a separate comment here how grateful to whoever/whatever the Great Narrator of my Life is that led me to discovering your work and, ultimately, us working together on the Pluto in Aquarius anthology and hopefully projects in the future, as well.
I know I sort of dropped off of publishing on Substack these past few months (I share a bit on why in the comment under Alison's, but MAY write a separate post on the Archetypal Lens going into what happened), but I'm reasonably sure 2025 will find me publishing over here again and also sharing your work with others to the best of my ability.
Now---to just one aspect of what is (as always) a newsletter full of interesting threads to pull on---the whole telepathy conversation with all of its various implications has long fascinated me so I was pleased to see you addressing it. I've had many of the same thoughts you have had.
I mean, as a guy who just put pretty my whole self out to the world through 366 podcasts every day in 2024, I've long lived by the ethos of being an open book and honestly don't feel any shame in any of my various behaviors. However, I also recognize that society---and even people close to me---have different values than I do, and if people were to be able to hear all of my thoughts, it could lead to all sorts of unwanted consequences.
Because true telepathy would be such a MASSIVE change to the human experience, I suspect that it's much less likely to become the norm than some are pondering; I think having this internal, (mostly) private world of our thoughts is one of the reasons we DO sign up to be humans before we incarnate here.
Having said that, I also believe that it's most likely there ARE other species who DO have that ability and that, yes, we also have it to varying degrees, and there are ways to increase our capabilities.
The last thing I'll say, though, is that as someone who has very rarely experienced some pretty powerful telepathic moments, I know to be careful what we wish for. This is because if we were able to know not only the thoughts but the feelings of those around us (and they, ours), it would lead to a much more "crowded" experience inside our own heads and bodies.
I'll share the one that comes to mind to finish yet another of my overly long Comments, lol:
This happened about a decade ago in my house here in Japan. My son was about 9 or 10 years old. At the time, Pluto was beginning to make its transit over my Sun-Moon-Jupiter conjunction in mid-Capricorn, and my Uranus opposition was also happening, but I didn't know this at the time. All I knew was that it was an INTENSE period of my life, with some of my most powerful expressions of what I've come to label my BryPolar Condition (I think type 2 bi-polar, but never diagnosed) and I was in a very strong high, hypomania bordering on mania probably.
Anyway, I heard in our living room that my son was arguing very emotionally with my wife and I went there to see if I could help. It turned out that he was refusing to go into the adjacent room to get a school textbook for some homework his mother was demanding he do and as I entered he finally shared the reason: He was afraid to go in there because he'd seen a ghost in that room a few nights before and didn't want to enter now because it was dark and he didn't want to see it again.
My wife was incredulous, thinking that this creative kid who hated school with a passion was trying to pull one over on here. But, for whatever reason, I immediately felt myself "inside" his emotional experience and I KNEW/FELT that he was NOT lying. Now, this doesn't mean he did or didn't see a ghost---all it means is he believed he did and he WAS being honest with my wife.
First, I was rather blown away by this experience and, being in a hypomanic mode, was having trouble figuring out how to relate it to my wife, but then it came to me just to say with as much conviction as I could: "He's telling the truth. I'll go get the textbook."
My wife has her flaws in how she relates with me, but on a deep level she knows when I'm being earnest and I believe HOW I said it convinced her not to start arguing with me, with like a "How can you know that he's telling the truth?" or a "Why are you covering for him when it's obvious he's lying so he can avoid doing his housework?" Instead, she just sort of rolled her eyes at me and then I looked my son in the eyes and said, "I know you're scared, but daddy can go get it, okay?"
On one hand, I think he was grateful on a very deep level that I believed him---our society is all too quick to discount people who have these "paranormal experiences" which makes them even harder for people to process than they already are---and on the other, I know he wasn't too happy that I was going to be able to get the textbook and he'd lose access to that excuse not to do his homework.
Still, he managed, a "thank you" and I went in to the other room, turned on the light, assured him there was no ghost and had him come into the room and help me find the textbook.
Anyway, that was one of the more powerful, emotional experiences of telepathy I've ever had and I honestly don't think I'd want to live in a world where I had access to that ability all of the time. I'm a person who highly values my sovereignty and dealing with my own internal world is already enough of a task without having to deal with everyone else's!
And to close with what I already mentioned, I know that the society I live in now would likely have A LOT of trouble dealing with the things I ponder internally---being a somewhat unique foreigner in a highly homogenous culture like Japan leads me to that conclusion---and as someone who has already spent 45 days in a Japanese jail for having different values than the Japanese, I fear that I'd end up back in such a place again. And that, while a HUGE worry, may be the least of my (our) worries.
So long story short, I pray we hold the reigns on this Telepathy Movement and may have to write a separate blog post / do a podcast (or both!) about this topic since I do have some experience with it, unlike (I believe) most people.
Okay, thanks for "letting" me "pollute" your Comments with such a long-ass response---just how this Mars/Neptune conjunct and Venus in Sagittarius guy roles (oh, also with Mercury at a 0 degree like yours, Eva, but Capricorn for me).
Again, Happy New Year and I look forward to your work and working with you in 2025!
Thanks, Bryan! I appreciate your support — looking forward to your return to blogging. Cool story about your son. Sometimes telepathy happens in just the right way at just the right moment, and it's helpful to everyone involved, like the story you shared. If I could know for sure that telepathy would stick to those kinds of manifestations, I'd be a lot less worried about it.
You're welcome; you make it easy to support you with your consistent, excellent efforts.
As for my story, yeah, it had a positive outcome to be sure, but it strikes me that if, just as in my story, only some of us have this capability but others don't, it's going to lead to all sorts of misunderstandings and issues. I mean, for one, I couldn't even really explain to my wife WHY I spoke with such conviction about my son being honest. I think I tried to explain it to her much later but, because she'd never had that kind of experience, she just couldn't get it.
I could see where if only certain people developed these abilities, the collective may not treat them too kindly, or may want to take advantage of them. Anyway, yeah, I'm not on board for telepathy any time soon---give me another "tele" word first---teleportation! That's a whole 'nother can of worms, but I do love the idea of being able to travel anywhere extremely quickly and to send and receive things super fast. It sure would make the immigration topic pointless, though...lol.
Anyway, have a good start to your 2025!
I think certain people already have these abilities whether anyone else finds it convenient or not. In that sense, it is just a reality we need to adapt to. My dad for whatever weird reason actually advocated the government getting involved in telepathy. I personally don't want the government to be involved, but society should figure out how this is going to work on a cultural level.
I loved reading this. What a great idea to get to know others’ writing and fellow astrologers on this platform! I also absolutely love your considerations on telepathy and psychic abilities. I have T Pluto quincunx my N Mercury and Sun in Virgo 3rd along with a bunch of other massive transits in my chart and these topics have been up for me as well. As humanity evolves telepathy and psychic abilities likely heighten as we align more and more with our natural state, navigating that will likely ask us to make those adjustments and learn navigating this with grace and a wider understanding.
An honor to be mentioned here, thank you so much! 😊
Right, grace and understanding would be great to have as telepathic abilities increase — and I suppose I'm afraid we won't get grace and understanding. The #MeToo movement is an important parallel because it was correct that certain social changes needed to happen, but it went about making those changes in a pretty harsh and abrupt way. And sometimes that's the only way change is going to happen, and maybe it had to happen that way in that moment for a variety of reasons including blow-things-up-big Jupiter being in vindictive Scorpio at the time. I would like the oh-no-now-we-can-all-read-each-other's-thoughts version of #MeToo to be handled differently, though.
Yeah, I hear you and am really appreciating this conversation as it’s got me thinking how it would be asking us all to mature dramatically on so many topics! And generally the masses, at least from my observation and perspective, seem not so easy to mature quickly. That could be quite a mess and dangerous for those who see things from a bit of a more self reflective, grounded, wider and broader perspective. Woah all such good points … right …Jupiter was in Scorpio .. and now we’ve got Pluto squaring that axis for 20 years 😅
Yes, and Aquarius is renowned for being so good that it doesn't have to be kind. Telepathy could just give the judgy side of Aquarius more fuel on all kinds of topics. You think you can escape your local busybody in the privacy of your own mind, and you won't even get away with that. Ugh! Being self-reflective, bringing in the Leo polarity, is key -- some people just need to think for a minute about their own complexity before they expect everyone else to live up to a standard of perfection.
Oh gosh true! Ugh that particular shadow side of Aquarius is likely to reveal itself quite a lot in the coming years, it’s going to be an exercise to not get caught up in that, even if it’s in our own minds! Like you said the self reflection will be key … maybe it’s the thing that will get more people learning and finding tools such as astrology for self reflection which is good and I think so very needed.
Do you think there's any danger of critics cracking down on astrology during the Pluto in Aquarius transit for that reason -- because they see it as a threat to their power?
I’ve been wondering that and wondering if there will be a false acceptance of it in some way. It seems astrology has been a criticized practice by religion and by society because it does empower the people in general and empowers people to not need religion and be less inclined to conform but I am wondering if now, being that it could by the nature of Pluto in Aqua become a natural expansion in consciousness, if now the astrology apps and AI being the thing that keeps people thinking they are getting adequate and correct astrological counsel but will deep astrological counsel be accessible in that? I’ve been feeling that those of us that have studied with astrology teachers up to now are so blessed we did because we have access to passed down knowledge from people who’ve studied with the most recent masters of this wisdom. What will happen when it’s all just AI and digitized info? What do you think?
“ I might envision myself as the sort of cosmopolitan spiritual seeker who would be open to anything, including telepathy.” - best line ever. Love it!
Wow, what a comprehensive round up.
And thank you for mentioning my newsletter.
My mom’s orange bikini also sends its regards.
Happy New Year!
Thank you so much for the mention :). This was an entertaining read and I appreciate the heads up about Susan Gidel's upcoming webinar. I just finished reading her book on trading. Thank you!
Whoa thank you for the reminder on Susan Gidel. I was not sure why I woke up so early on a Saturday Oregon time, and I started looking through my Substack notifications -- right, I was supposed to go to that!