Weekend Entertainment Guide 1/31/25
The Aquarius Season approach to vulnerability: take a survey about it!
I’m going to test out Substack’s poll function because I thought of a question worth asking! I’m currently in the final stretch of putting together the essay anthology Changing of the Guards: Pluto on the Precipice. Any day now, it should become available on Amazon. I’ll post when it does.
The writers involved with the project have approached the subject of Pluto changing sign from Capricorn to Aquarius in many different ways. My own contribution involves excerpts from my personal diaries during the period February 2016 to October 2020, and it has been hard to be that vulnerable. Even people who have known me a long time might be surprised by some of the content. In daily life, I generally don’t want to be defined by the most dramatic experiences I have ever had. As an astrologer commenting on the archetypal dynamics of world events, however, I might finally need to explain how I know some of the things I know.
The whole situation reminded me of a time I saw someone else post a naked selfie on her Instagram. Tastefully posed, of course, but I still thought, “Wow, I could never do that!”
What I’m doing now might actually be more intense, though. What do you think?
Hot on Substack
, Constitution BluesZodiacal Spiral analyzes the natal chart of the US Constitution. I was recently looking at that chart in a local astrology group, and I realized that both the Constitution chart and the US Sibly chart both have a prominent Aquarius-Virgo quincunx: how do we make the Aquarian dream of freedom manifest on a Virgo practical level? For the Constitution chart, it’s Sun in Virgo quincunx Saturn in Aquarius, and for the Sibly chart, it’s Moon in Aquarius quincunx Neptune in Virgo.
, The Fear Factor –Oja comments on the Moon’s monthly pass through Capricorn and Aquarius, in relation to the Sibly chart for the United States and transiting Pluto.
, Astrology Of Love And Compatibility: CapricornSome good Capricorn roasting here: “The kind of person who will convince you to pull their finger, then present you with a bill for aromatherapy.”
, The Signs Who Should NEVER Be Roommates (With Gender Stereotypes for Fun)These were funny too.
, Spell-ingGeary comments on language in relation to Mercury in Aquarius as well as the North Node in Pisces.
, Rewiring the circuits (Mercury in Aquarius)Dorje Kirsten brings up a challenge of Mercury in Aquarius: Are your thoughts your own?
Sterling Bowen (
) via , Liminality: An exploration of the second face of AquariusBowen talks about the second decan of Aquarius being ruled by Mercury in both Chaldean and triplicity systems.
, My Dead Grandma Hates MeThis is a unique firsthand account of attempting to connect with dead ancestors — like people in life, some were friendlier than others.
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Responding to your survey "what's more vulnerable," "appearing naked on instagram or publishing diary excerpts," hands down, the latter. Seeing a photo of anyone naked is of passing interest, often funny and sometimes interesting (tattoos), and easily forgotten. Diary excerpts reveal the most inner self that is often kept secret from even close friends much less strangers. Our dark sides, core emotional conflicts, deepest yearnings, and profound fears. The diary may reveal someone that no one has met and shock closest friends. It may cause these treasured and emotionally important people to re-define us and that may cause them to take a step back or worse move on. And diary excerpts might not be so revealing; instead, recounting experiences of great interest to others. So many possibilities and levels of disclosure.