Responding to your survey "what's more vulnerable," "appearing naked on instagram or publishing diary excerpts," hands down, the latter. Seeing a photo of anyone naked is of passing interest, often funny and sometimes interesting (tattoos), and easily forgotten. Diary excerpts reveal the most inner self that is often kept secret from even close friends much less strangers. Our dark sides, core emotional conflicts, deepest yearnings, and profound fears. The diary may reveal someone that no one has met and shock closest friends. It may cause these treasured and emotionally important people to re-define us and that may cause them to take a step back or worse move on. And diary excerpts might not be so revealing; instead, recounting experiences of great interest to others. So many possibilities and levels of disclosure.

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So true. I do at least have control over which excerpts are shared. It is also reminiscent of the discussion of telepathy in recent past posts. We all have stuff that would potentially make others see us differently, whether we bother to write it down in a diary or just carry it in our private thoughts. If telepathy actually becomes more widespread, we need to figure out how we are going to handle this culturally.

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More widespread telepathy, consciously recognized, has a scary side, as you've mentioned. Will people trust what telepathy tells them, I wonder. I've believed in, experienced, telepathic communication with many if not most people in my life since at least my teens. It has seemed to me to be a combination of Aquarius, Gemini, and Pisces planetary aspects and signs. The Pisces involvement to me is from that grand sea we all swim in, the collective unconscious (or becoming conscious) that Jung wrote about, the Knowing that we are all connected and transmitting energy all the time. Do all the signs contribute to honesty and authenticity? Seems like some are secretive and others potentially manipulative. What will help us to become more authentic and honest, if astrology can point the way?

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Yeah, I am secretive, guilty as charged. When I first started freaking out about telepathy, I blamed my Scorpio Moon for not wanting to be exposed. As I thought about it more, though, I came to see my Leo Sun + Libra Rising (same combination as Bill Clinton) as more culpable -- I want to present things a certain way to achieve my goals of peace and harmony and looking good.

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So interesting, Eva. I would not have thought the Libra ASC opposite, at least by house, Leo Sun to contribute at all to secrecy, needing to present good stuff only. My many women Leo friends all seem to have this "here I am" exposure of themselves in their glorious embracing energy. I know a few Libra rising friends or acquaintances and they do seem to scramble at times after keeping those scales from swinging up and down so wildly. Perhaps the scramble keeps others from knowing what's beyond that rising facade???

And then Moon in Scorpio, always described as a secret life, and we'd better watch out! Strangely, I've found that true of men I've known but not women. I have one very best, forever woman friend who has Sun and Moon conjunct in Scorpio in the 5th house, Cancer ASC (and Cancer can hide a whole lot). She has always been unable to be anything but expressively, sometimes histrionically and intensely a truth-teller. We have one of the most honest relationships of all my friends. That intense Scorpio conjunction also brings healing and transformation, transmutation of energy, as a by product of truth-telling. Nothing is simple in astrology, is it?!

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Libra Rising can be not just an emotional thermometer but an emotional thermostat, trying to control the temperature for the comfort of everyone in the room. I also have Libra AC as part of a difficult configuration -- Venus+AC Libra square Neptune+IC+Mars Capricorn. One's upbringing and circumstances probably play into this as well. My Leo/Scorpio stuff may speak to an awareness of intense conflict, which has been part of my family life. One positive thing that has come from going through my diary excerpts already is getting perspective on a current family drama -- in the sense of seeing that the big family dramas of a few years ago have largely blown over at this point. There are some families that are just like that, where there is always some drama bigger than God going on. Over time, one drama will recede, and another will replace it. In the meantime, the people who grow up shaped by this sort of environment learn to do whatever seems necessary to stay out of the line of fire, and that often involves subjugating one's own honest thoughts and desires to someone who has to have everything their way or else. Being seen telepathically could therefore seem very dangerous!

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Thank you both for this lively discussion! For me - values like truth, honesty and integrity are universal, and each sign offers their own pathway to living in line with them. And the real secret (take it from this Scorpio) is that there are no secrets: your energy is broadcasting everything about you all of the time. The idea of a secret can be really valuable, though, when we use it to create intimacy rather than to play egocentric power games. I got to write about it back in Scorpio season 2023, and it really helped me get some more clarity about how secrets can serve us:


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