Loved this, Eva! I'm also working on my taxes early AND I'm sick too for what feels like the 87th time this year. Gahhh

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I hope you feel better soon!

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Thank you, Eva.

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First and foremost, don't sell short the profound impact of that Naked Doll Summit of February 1989. I've got insider sources from the Stassi who have told me that it was the key event that triggered the fall of the Berlin Wall 3/4 of a year later when the Sun was in Scorpio. I never could corroborate it until now, as the Naked Doll Summit is not easily found in the history books (or Wikipedia). All I know is he told me this in a dive bar in a Western town, and after he added the cryptic, possibly dirty remark, "The nudity was key," someone called the police and said there was a madman around.

Next, speaking of musical references, did you get that one? It's from a hit mid-1980s pop song that is one of only a few songs I memorized the lyrics to for some reason---it was like one of my "keep-my-brain-sharp" challenges, but this time in my early teens a few years before the Naked Doll Summit.)

Anyway, I loved the "Wind Cries Mary" ending---Hendrix wrote great lyrics, too!---and it was synchronistic, as yesterday I had my own Hendrix moment when I was out running some errands and getting some exercise on my bike. I'd put on "Touch Me" by the Doors (because I went down a bit of a Doors rabbit hole earlier this week thanks to a recent interview YouTuber Rick Beato did with the two surviving members) and, a few songs later, my iPhone shuffled, "All Along the Watchtower," one of THE great covers of all-time, IMHO.

Ever since I discovered Hendrix in my high school years (1989-91) (maybe this was my personal message delivered from the Naked Doll Summit?), his music and life have resonated with me. It was only many years later when I learned my natal chart had a Mars-Neptune conjunction on Hendrix's Sun in Sagittarius. I call it my "Spiritual Warrior Jimi Conjunction" because Mars-Neptune in Sag seems like a perfect representation of Jimi: a fiery, cosmic mystic if ever there was one!

Finally, I drew The Hermit card for my Daily Tarot draw, which means I will NOT feel guilty for digging into some of the links you've shared in this Entertainment Guide. Keep up the good work, Eva---I really do love these!

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Thank you for mentioning my post! Not as crazy as it looks like at first sight :-)

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Thanks for the shout out!

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