It’s hard to believe that the Super Bowl was less than a week ago! I’m not a big football fan, but I had it on in the background while I worked on my taxes this past Sunday afternoon so I could pick up any important cultural references.
Tubi’s Super Bowl ad wound up being a perfect explanation of astrology — especially the astrology of 2025!
The zeitgeist always shifts. As I discussed in Weekend Entertainment Guide 9/6/24, the outer planets are in the process of moving from Water and Earth signs to Fire and Air signs. I have a lot in the early degrees of Fire and Air signs, so I see myself in the position of the ad’s cowboy hat guy — about to have the zeitgeist shift in my favor. Meanwhile, others will have the zeitgeist shift against them. Personal responsibility matters, but sometimes individuals’ fortunes rise and fall for reasons that are more complex than standard Western views of fault and blame.
About those taxes
I chose to file my taxes early this year in part because I wanted to avoid the complicated astrology of March and April. Money planet Venus is retrograde in Aries and Pisces from March 1 to April 12, and calculation planet Mercury is retrograde in Aries and Pisces from March 14 to April 7. Venus in Aries and Mercury in Pisces are both challenging positions aside from the retrogrades. The Lunar Eclipse on March 13 and Solar Eclipse on March 29 could bring additional stress. Dates are given for the Pacific time zone.
For the telepaths among us
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Hot on Substack
, Retrogrades: a Cosmic Invitation to RecalibrationCori Anne takes in the big picture of 2025: though there will be major outer planet shifts later in the year, we’re starting slow with Mars, then Venus, and then Mercury retrograde.
It feels like everyone I know has dealt with some kind of debilitating cold or acute illness tapping their vitality at some point or another since January. The Mars retrograde struggle is one I’ve seen threaded through every person I talk to and interact with, whether they’re aware of (and blaming it on) the astrology or not.
I was sick for a big chunk of January as discussed here, here, and here.
, Aquarius 2McCoy poetically points out that we’ve already passed the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox.
, Hamilton vs. Musk: The Battle of Centralization and Decentralization Through AstrologyWatson compares Capricorn Sun Alexander Hamilton and Cancer Sun Elon Musk.
, What will happen to Donald Trump at the end of March?Stenbacka looks at the transits of Trump’s family members and colleagues for late March 2025, as a potential major event involving Trump around that time would likely have an impact on them too.
, Uranus in GeminiPierson recounts that astrologer Evangeline Adams, in 1931, predicted that the United States would go to war in 1942 on the grounds that she already saw a link between Uranus in Gemini transits and the United States going to war.
, Elemental VenusSimons describes Venus in each sign.
, Mercury enters Pisces 2/14/25Oja comments on the need for discernment as Mercury moves through Pisces starting today.
, Echoes of 1989: Two Leo Full MoonsTouhey compares the February 12, 2025, Full Moon in Leo to the January 21, 1989, Full Moon in Leo. Both took place shortly after a US presidential inauguration, and both had a Saturn-Neptune conjunction within sight.
I love this photo of myself, then two and a half, from February 1989. The Naked Doll Summit looks very serious — very fitting for a Saturn-Neptune conjunction.
Posts about planetary charity and related issues
, Planetary donation, community care & the personal as politicalAzur gives an overview of astrological remediation and planetary donation (also known as planetary charity). If you’re having a hard time with the energy of a particular planet, natally or by transit, supporting a real-world charitable cause that is associated with that planet might help.
, Gnosis on the Fixed Star SadalsuudWhat’s described here, working with the energy of a fixed star, sounds like it is in the same ballpark as planetary charity but more complicated. I haven’t done anything like this myself, but it is interesting to know what others are doing.
Posts about the third decan of Aquarius, where the Sun is now
Kitty Grimm via
, Aquarius III: Angst and ActivismGrimm points out that the Rider-Waite version of the 7 of Swords, the tarot card linked to Aquarius III, shows a Robin Hood-like figure, nodding to this decan’s association with activism in various forms.
via , The Seven of Swords and Aquarius IIIThis post provides a unique strategy for working with the decans: cast a chart for the moment the Sun enters a decan, the decan ingress chart, to get an idea of how the next ten days will go.
Free online event
Celeste Brooks will give a presentation on World Points (0° Cardinal signs) through Kepler College on Saturday, February 15, 2025, at noon Pacific time. Register here.
A word from our sponsors
Honeycomb Collective creates astrological almanacs that are personalized to your natal chart. Most astrology planners only show mundane transits, but your Honeycomb almanac is uniquely programmed to display your natal transits too! Your almanac is customizable to any timezone in the world, so you’ll always know when the planets are aligning relative to your location. Prices start at just $27 for a 6-month printed almanac with a free digital copy, or $10 for the digital version on its own. Visit to learn more!
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I want to keep Weekend Entertainment Guide free to readers in order to get astrology discussed as widely as possible. However, I am open to sharing my readership with paid sponsors. I charge $20 to run your text-based ad of 85 words or less in four consecutive Friday editions of Weekend Entertainment Guide. Feel free to include hyperlinks and promo codes for your product or service. Email to inquire!
A silver lining
, who endorsed Donald Trump in the 2024 election, called out Elon Musk’s recent binge of government data acquisition as “a Rubicon that can never now be un-crossed, during which data and IP (intellectual property) captivation may have made Musk (and the people with whom he now allies) more powerful than any President, including more powerful than President Trump; more powerful than any nation-state, more powerful than the WEF and the WHO, more powerful than any prime minister, and more powerful than any other CEO or leader of any other set of corporations.”I did not vote for Trump, but I acknowledge that those who did vote for Trump followed the established process for voting for a president. I don’t think anyone voted for Elon Musk to have the sort of power he presently does, though. I agree with Wolf that Musk is out of line.
Wolf elaborated:
Scott Bessent, Secretary of the Treasury, went into an interview after the Feb 2 breach, to assure Americans that their data were safe. He explained that Musk’s and the engineers’ access to six trillion dollars in Treasury data was “read only.” That interview reassured many people.
It did not reassure me.
I only know from following a comment thread on the DataLounge to Wikipedia that Bessent, nominated by Trump, is the nation’s first openly gay Secretary of the Treasury. Something like this would have been a huge deal ten years ago. Now, it’s barely noticed.
For Changing of the Guards: Pluto on the Precipice, I’ve been going through my diaries from Pluto’s transit through Capricorn. The acrimony over same-sex marriage was one of the most awful and toxic parts of that sixteen-year period. I still don’t like to revisit it.
To see Bessent nominated by a Republican and judged on how well he does his job rather than on his personal life is therefore healing for me.
Of course, Trump must also be judged on how well he does his job, and hiring a member of a minority group shouldn’t be seen as a Get Out of Jail Free card that suppresses other valid complaints. Among other things, I disagree with the current Trump administration’s handling of transgender issues.
I am now more than a decade older than Jimi Hendrix ever lived to be, and that gives me a new take on “The Wind Cries Mary.” At this point, maybe there won’t be a controversy that ends all controversies. One will drift away to be replaced by something else, and the cycle will just repeat over and over and over.
Will the wind ever remember the names it has blown in the past?
And with this crutch, its old age, and its wisdom,
It whispers, “No, this will be the last.”
Loved this, Eva! I'm also working on my taxes early AND I'm sick too for what feels like the 87th time this year. Gahhh
First and foremost, don't sell short the profound impact of that Naked Doll Summit of February 1989. I've got insider sources from the Stassi who have told me that it was the key event that triggered the fall of the Berlin Wall 3/4 of a year later when the Sun was in Scorpio. I never could corroborate it until now, as the Naked Doll Summit is not easily found in the history books (or Wikipedia). All I know is he told me this in a dive bar in a Western town, and after he added the cryptic, possibly dirty remark, "The nudity was key," someone called the police and said there was a madman around.
Next, speaking of musical references, did you get that one? It's from a hit mid-1980s pop song that is one of only a few songs I memorized the lyrics to for some reason---it was like one of my "keep-my-brain-sharp" challenges, but this time in my early teens a few years before the Naked Doll Summit.)
Anyway, I loved the "Wind Cries Mary" ending---Hendrix wrote great lyrics, too!---and it was synchronistic, as yesterday I had my own Hendrix moment when I was out running some errands and getting some exercise on my bike. I'd put on "Touch Me" by the Doors (because I went down a bit of a Doors rabbit hole earlier this week thanks to a recent interview YouTuber Rick Beato did with the two surviving members) and, a few songs later, my iPhone shuffled, "All Along the Watchtower," one of THE great covers of all-time, IMHO.
Ever since I discovered Hendrix in my high school years (1989-91) (maybe this was my personal message delivered from the Naked Doll Summit?), his music and life have resonated with me. It was only many years later when I learned my natal chart had a Mars-Neptune conjunction on Hendrix's Sun in Sagittarius. I call it my "Spiritual Warrior Jimi Conjunction" because Mars-Neptune in Sag seems like a perfect representation of Jimi: a fiery, cosmic mystic if ever there was one!
Finally, I drew The Hermit card for my Daily Tarot draw, which means I will NOT feel guilty for digging into some of the links you've shared in this Entertainment Guide. Keep up the good work, Eva---I really do love these!