Fascinating as always. I took special note of your mention that Saturn is going direct (at last). As one of your contributors to your first book, "Impossible Dreams," on Saturn transits through Pisces, I am on the edge of my seat to see what the final act of Saturn will be as it crosses my 15 degree Venus, the focal point of a Yod to Pluto and Neptune with natal Saturn in Virgo opposite. My impression is that this, my final of three transit oppositions of Saturn to natal Saturn, is more challenging than the prior two. Like Saturn is finishing its materialization of events brewing my whole life.

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Whole life, wow! This is your 3rd Saturn in Pisces transit, so I suppose it could be connected to events from transiting Saturn hitting that configuration in the 1960s and 1990s too.

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“Ashland recommends practicing intentional solitude at today’s Full Moon in Taurus.” This is where I am at today. I have been on somewhat of an internet fast the past few days. I did break the fast to read this week’s entrainment guide. Good stuff as usual. RIP Mikey.

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