Weekend Entertainment Guide is early this week because I’m going to spend Halloween trick-or-treating with my sister’s kids. Funny enough, Portland Public Schools, where the older one attends kindergarten, manufactured a “grading day” (no classes) for the Friday after Halloween.
New Moon in Scorpio 11/1/24
I like that the New Moon is trine Saturn, the planet of stability and structure. With the prominent Mars-Pluto opposition, there definitely are opportunities to get involved with conflict and chaos. Those opportunities aren’t a mandate, though. The Mars-Pluto opposition actually forms a kite with Mercury and Neptune, so it is possible to channel all that intense energy toward a productive outlet.
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via , New Moon in ScorpioWickhart brings watery personality to a vivid description of the upcoming New Moon.
, A Fellowship Supper Reunites Old Comrades and Halloween: Scorpio's new Moon 2024Hill points out:
The Sabian Symbol for Scorpio 9 - which is often the day following Halloween (depending on leap years and where you are in the world of course) is A DENTIST IS HARD AT WORK. Ha, all those lollies and sweets.
You can’t make this stuff up!
, Astro Forecast 10.29.24: The Haunted House of ScorpioThe Cranky Astrologer provides perspective on the current tense transits.
, Appetite for DestructionAstroterica notes that the archetypal dimensions of the coming US presidential election aren’t as simple as they seem.
, How to Read Tarot Via EmailBoyer advises on how to formulate questions that get to the heart of a tarot query.
, Fear in Astrology: Why You Shouldn’t Panic About 2025I'm super excited for the 2025 shifts because I have a lot early in Fire and Air signs in my own chart that all of that will interact harmoniously with. Any transit will benefit some people's charts more than others, but I agree with Lindon that the fearmongering about 2025 is not helpful at all.
, Pluto has no Biases, Uranus Does.I have Sun trine Uranus natally. NORSAN’s description of the Uranian father reminds me a lot of my own late father, who often identified himself as an "idea person." He would give other people ideas for projects they should do — he was not interested in doing the implementation himself. Well, I am currently working on the really tedious part of the implementation of a book project, and I have been complaining lately that the "idea people" have no idea what it takes to actually get something done. They aren't the ones testing the URLs and checking the formatting on every footnote. As NORSAN points out, the whole situation is probably bringing up much deeper issues for me than whatever any writer did on any specific footnote:
[Uranus] did not procreate with his divine equal, but with the Earth, which embodies the raw and chaotic potential of form. Gaia brings the idea into the physical realm, and it is precisely this that Uranus cannot tolerate.
The good side of having a Uranian father was permission to dream big and live a non-standard life in some ways. The hard part was the expectation that things should just happen once you had the brilliant idea. Of course, that’s not always how it works.
Mystery solved
A post on an astrology Facebook group addressed the recent controversy over The Washington Post choosing not to endorse a presidential candidate in the 2024 election. The founding date of the newspaper, available on Wikipedia, is December 6, 1877, and the Facebook post pointed out that the newspaper is now having a Saturn return at 13° Pisces.
The other thing that jumped out at me when I saw the untimed natal chart of The Washington Post was Jupiter in Capricorn on my near-astro-twin Karen Attiah’s Midheaven. I was born the same day as Attiah, but I’m half a day older, Libra Rising to her Aries Rising. The angles of a chart, including the Midheaven, are the main thing that vary over the course of a day, so the Post’s Jupiter on Attiah’s Midheaven is probably why the Post wound up with her as a columnist and not me. They are meant to be together in a public way.
Attiah expressed disagreement with the Post’s decision not to go through with publishing a prepared endorsement of Kamala Harris, but she did not quit her job. Others at the Post, however, did quit over the issue.
Attiah, like me, has a lot early in Fire and Air signs, so she would basically have the same good transits I’m looking forward to for myself when all the outer planets move into Fire and Air signs over the next couple of years. It will be interesting to see if she gets promoted at the Post.
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I want to keep Weekend Entertainment Guide free to readers in order to get astrology discussed as widely as possible. However, I am open to sharing my readership with paid sponsors. I would charge $20 to run your text-based ad of 85 words or less in four consecutive Friday editions of Weekend Entertainment Guide. Feel free to include hyperlinks and promo codes for your product or service. Email astrologybooks@proton.me to inquire!
Substack-funded gifts (and a Mad Lib for paid subscribers)
I just got a notification from Substack that Substack may be randomly gifting one-month paid subscriptions to some of my free subscribers in hopes that they will become ongoing paid subscribers. (Substack also benefits when I get more paid subscribers, as Substack receives a cut of my pay.) I guess I’ll have to get better at coming up with unique rewards for my paid subscribers, so I’m going to send out a paywalled Mad Lib in a separate post right after this one! I also wrote a free Mad Lib back in May.
I’m looking forward to all those firey airy transits too! (I think!)
Excellent article Eva. Your dad sounds like a lot of fun and a lot of work all at the same time! Have a brilliant weekend 😊