Well, the 2024 US presidential election finally happened. There is clearly a lot about that that I don’t personally have control over, but I can at least be accountable for my own predictions.
I don’t think I ever firmly named a specific person as my prediction for the winner. In my 2024 yearly horoscope for Tarot.com, written in 2023, I referred to the general energy surrounding the win — and I was right that it was a decisive win.
Pluto’s last moments in Capricorn this time around take place from September 1 to November 19, covering a span that includes Election Day in the United States. The result is likely to be clear, decisive, and defining. Perhaps it will also hearken back to the hope and change promised as Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008. What has changed, and what have we got to be hopeful about as Pluto commences a 20-year stay in Aquarius on November 19?
On my Substack in May 2024, I commented to the effect that I thought neither Donald Trump nor Joe Biden would win:
I have not spent a lot of time on deep dives into the charts of Donald Trump and Joe Biden this election season. I don’t feel like I need to do that. Yes, it is important to look at the election through an astrological lens, but knowing which charts are worth looking at is key to any astrological process.
Pluto is currently in the process of changing signs from Capricorn to Aquarius. Neptune and Uranus will both change signs over the next couple of years. This is NEW energy, not the energy of an 80-year-old hated by half the country who keeps us mired in the same old conflicts — and the latter describes Trump and Biden roughly equally well.
Trump did eventually win, but I think he pulled it off as a consequence of substantially reinventing himself. As I noted in June 2024, Trump’s 2024 solar return was a lot harder than his solar return for 2016, the year he was first elected president. He wasn’t going to be able to get away with the same old, same old.
Politico nails it that Biden’s insistence on staying in the race too long deprived Kamala Harris of valuable time to campaign — and good for the Democrats quoted who are admitting that.
I will add that the Democrats should have had an actual primary where Democratic voters would have had the opportunity to decide for themselves whether they wanted Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to represent them. Even if they had ultimately answered no, I think letting Kennedy go through that process fairly might have made him less helpful to Trump in the end.
As it happened, Kennedy and other allies wound up being very helpful to Trump this time around, as shown in the example note by
quoted below. Prior to Kennedy suspending his campaign, I noted in August 2024 that Kennedy had “a lot of intense competitive energy coming his way” in October and November; Kennedy wound up using all that energy to support Trump.This right here is what most folks are missing.
Many rational, level-headed people voting for Trump are voting for the entire Trump ticket.
They’re voting for the people he has brought into his orbit not just Donald Trump himself.
I too am voting for RFK Jr because I want America to be healthy again.
And I’m voting for Tulsi because I don’t want to see any more Americans killed in unjust wars.
And I’m voting for Vance because I’m a daughter of Appalachia and I don’t think any American should be forgotten, regardless of the color of their skin.
It’s as much about policies as it is the people Trump will put in place to lead the government institutions tasked with implementing those policies.
We will see how this plays out in practice, but the idea of running as a group, as a team of allies, makes a lot of sense for Pluto moving into community-oriented Aquarius. The Lindy Newsletter on beehiiv explores this theme further.
2025 Tarot.com horoscopes
Yearly horoscopes for 2025 are up on Tarot.com. I wrote the overview and the by-sign horoscopes for Aries through Virgo. The by-sign horoscopes for Libra through Pisces were assigned to another writer.
Hot on Substack
had a fun thread on Substack Notes where I went into more detail about my reference to “idea people” in last Weekend Entertainment Guide. Geary via , Scorpio II: Sacred TrustSo how does this relate to the Decan of Scorpio II? I am a Traditional Astrologer, so for my work, Mars, the Warrior Planet of Action is the domicile Ruler of Scorpio and this is the sign where the Moon is depressed or in fall, opposite to its Exaltation in Taurus. Rhetorius wrote:
“Where the Moon, who is the fortune, fate and circumstances of all, is depressed, nothing can be lifted up”
I have the Moon in Scorpio II, and this quote is a little too accurate sometimes. Booby Prize: An Astrological Novel is substantially about my own experiences with Scorpio II gone wrong. If you’re only going to buy one of my currently available books, though, Impossible Dreams: Hopes, Fears, and Expectations for Saturn in Pisces is the better book overall.
, An Angry Note for Notes: On Why I'm Not VotingI think the way those injured by the COVID-19 vaccines, including astrologer Karl Skellenger, have been treated is deplorable. Some people seem to think they must choose between compassion for the vaccine-injured and compassion for those who died or otherwise had tragic outcomes from COVID-19 itself. There has to be room to acknowledge both valid problems.
Beyond what happened to Skellenger and others like him on a personal and physical level, I think society has also been injured by the divisive handling of the COVID-19 vaccines. People felt like they weren’t getting honest information from official sources, and the forceful suppression of their questions didn’t make their questions go away — it just drove them into the arms of nutjobs like Alex Jones, David Icke, and Clif High. Now, nobody trusts anybody. You could have God Almighty come down from Heaven and finally tell everyone whatever the truth actually is, and the only outcome would be a big thread on r/conspiracy about whose neighbor’s cat’s second cousin is a Freemason. In the United States at least, this might be a manifestation of the recent US Pluto return also opposing the Sibly chart’s natal Mercury at 24° Cancer.
I did not vote for Trump, but this is why he won.
, Venus in the Palace: from King Charles to Empress EugénieI heard a lot of the wild rumors about the infamous red portrait of King Charles III, and then someone in my social network went on a business trip to the United Kingdom and actually saw the painting in person. This individual isn't into conspiracy stuff and probably doesn't even know where the doors to the rabbit holes are, so it was jarring to hear her describe her enjoyment of the painting in a totally innocent way. Robert Anderson points out that the King Charles III portrait continues a pattern going back centuries of royal portraits being produced under Venus-Jupiter alignments, accounting for the over-the-top sensuality. Sometimes pleasure is just pleasure — we don't always have to overthink things!
Free online event
Giorgia Pecora will give a presentation through Kepler College on “The 12th House & Conception: Understanding Prenatal Programming and Your Natal Chart.” November 9, 2024, 9 a.m. Pacific. Register here.
A word from our sponsors
Hey Earthling, want to bring meaningful enchantments to life in 2025? The beloved Dreamfruit Lunar Tales are back – and this time with a companion guided journal and course offerings! Pre-order now to secure your pocket-sized portal into thirteen moonlit adventures. Each month unfolds with dreamlike stories, astrological insights from the Sabian symbols, and journaling prompts that sync your inner and outer journeys. Join our growing community of visionaries weaving a regenerative future through moon magic and ecospiritual wisdom. Reserve your 2025 collection at www.Dreamfruit.world.
I want to keep Weekend Entertainment Guide free to readers in order to get astrology discussed as widely as possible. However, I am open to sharing my readership with paid sponsors. I charge $20 to run your text-based ad of 85 words or less in four consecutive Friday editions of Weekend Entertainment Guide. Feel free to include hyperlinks and promo codes for your product or service. Email astrologybooks@proton.me to inquire!
On getting off the computer now and then
I got into doing freelance writing and editing work from home during the pandemic, and there have been a lot of good things about that. However, it can also be isolating. With all the other weird stuff that went on during the pandemic, it was easy for me to go too far down online rabbit holes, to the point it became unhealthy. (Can any astrologers possibly imagine a Scorpio Moon doing something like this, especially during a time when the South Node was moving through Scorpio?)
Over the past year or so, I have gotten involved with Junior League, which provides structured opportunities for community service. This has been great for my own mental health. Hopefully it is helpful for our community partners as well. We work with organizations such as Spark at Booth Kelly and Hosea Youth Services, doing our own fundraising to fill gaps in the services they provide to homeless and at-risk youth in the Eugene, Oregon, area.
We are currently soliciting donations for our fall fundraiser. If you donate, please enter “Eva Sylwester” for internal tracking purposes when asked which Junior League member you are donating on behalf of. Thank you!
It's always an honor to be included in the Weekend Entertainment Guide, thanks Eva!
Good info, thank you!